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2022-23 Season Cards - credit card sales now open on OS

just an update incase any supporters are still not sure about there season ticket and trying to call the office just back from there the girl in office said as above people should have there ticket by thursday / friday they are not being sent from the office . she also said there is only 2 people in the office so if they are helping people with other ticket sales there`s nobody to answer the phone . any problem not receiving your ticket call in office on saturday [ hope this might save anyone a long wait on the phone ] blue army
"should" have their ticket by Thursday or Friday?
So this has moved from "the end of July" to "early in w/c August 23" to this.
I am not holding my breath. Who are producing the season cards, last minute.com??
It's the same old issues every season. Made even worse by Covid.

Even the likes of Liverpool and Southampton have had major issues with season cards and paper tickets failing at the gates.

Just get to the ground early, be prepared for problems and allow some time to sort it.
"should" have their ticket by Thursday or Friday?
So this has moved from "the end of July" to "early in w/c August 23" to this.
I am not holding my breath. Who are producing the season cards, last minute.com??
hi stuart i just posted that trying to save supporters a long wait on the phone the but i`m sure if you need your ticket before thursday maybe they can help you .
By reading that statement that put up I read it like they will all be sent out today
Went to ticket office today they said should have them by Friday, buy if you are worried they can provide a paper ticket at office
Their phone is also on the blink so if you call you probably will not get through
Went to ticket office today they said should have them by Friday, buy if you are worried they can provide a paper ticket at office
Their phone is also on the blink so if you call you probably will not get through
Is that us a fans should have them in by Friday
Postman has just dropped a big wad of letters thru the door.
Alas, no season tickets for us today. Talk about cutting it fine !