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Dec 31, 2008
I know the current squad had been thrown together and many have thought of it in a negative manner but how bad or good is it compared to last season under Tilly?

S. Mildenhall v G. Morris. I give the edge to Mildy but not by much.
S. Francis v S. Clohessy. I rate Francis but have taken to Clohessy. SF takes it.
A. Barrett v C. Barker. Mr. Blues through and through is not as good as Mr. Barker by a mile.
J-Y Mvoto v Bilel. Thought JY had potential but not as much as King Bil.
S. Malone v Peter Gilbert. Close one to call but have we seen the best of Gilbert yet? Evens.
F. Moussa v Ryan Hall. The Moose flattered to deceive. I think Ryan can achieve much more.
J-F Christophe v Craig Easton. The Scot wipes the floor with this Gallic garlic muncher.
D. Scannell v L. Soares. The scan man but I cant help feel Soares has more to produce.
A. McCormack v A. Grant. I know Grant was in both camps but he is also the best.
L. Barnard v B. Corr. Both like injuries, both like goals, but Lee is a class above.
D. Freedman v B. Sturrock. Its Blair for me. If Dougie had been younger ok. But BS gives more to The Blues.

Seems to me we are not so badly off compared to last seasons side. Just goal scoring is the negative for me.
Admittedly, we are down a division, but it is interesting to compare our position this season with the equivalent point in our play off season in 2007-08. After the 4-3 defeat to Hartlepool, our 27th match that season, we had 37 points and sat in 8th position, 2 places and 6 points off the play-off spots... This season, we have 39 points after 27 games, and sit in 9th, 2 places and only 2 points off the play offs. And back in 2007/08, we then got 7 points from our next four games, before going on a fantastic run of 9 wins and 4 draws in 13 matches which secured our play off spot.

This season could still be VERY interesting.....
TBH apart from francis and barney i would stick with the team we have now.

I think they are just starting to gel and you can see the confidence is flowing nicely at the business end of the season.

Its same old southend really, were always involved be it promotion or relegation and long may that continue although i would rather the former.
I feel this current side is better. Certainly in terms of potential. It is short of two or three good players, one being a striker, but the transfer window of opportunity is there for loans soon so who knows?
I think this team, which is full of confidence and beginning to gel, would beat last years team at the minute. This time last year our team was beginning to crumble, people wanted out and we had no confidence. Player for player I think combining players from the two, this looks a very tasty outfit.


Francis Barker Bilel Gilbert

Hall Ferdinand Easton Grant

Barnard Corr.

Then again, something I''ve always thought is how would our team look if we had every player from Tilson/Sturrock era to choose from.


Francis Sodje Bilel Mulgrew

Gower Grant Bailey Hall

Eastwood Barnard

That team would be immense, off topic completely I know but mouth watering at the prospect.
Seems to me we are not so badly off compared to last seasons side. Just goal scoring is the negative for me.

I'm not disagreeing with you here as I think we all feel we could produce more up front. However, we haven't failed to score in a League game since 23 October.
I'm not disagreeing with you here as I think we all feel we could produce more up front. However, we haven't failed to score in a League game since 23 October.

Good point but in many games we failed to score enough. Some would say this means its the defence that needs working on and they would be right but with a slightly more effective strike force there would be less pressure on the defence. We may have scored in each game but barring macclesfield at home we have not got ourselves out of sight of the opposition. Barnet away recently was a good example. Good win but it would have taken only a moment for us to drop two points when really we should have been looking bury them.
Strangely enough me and my Dad was having this conversation before today's game
I think this team, which is full of confidence and beginning to gel, would beat last years team at the minute. This time last year our team was beginning to crumble, people wanted out and we had no confidence. Player for player I think combining players from the two, this looks a very tasty outfit.


Francis Barker Bilel Gilbert

Hall Ferdinand Easton Grant

Barnard Corr.

Then again, something I''ve always thought is how would our team look if we had every player from Tilson/Sturrock era to choose from.


Francis Sodje Bilel Mulgrew

Gower Grant Bailey Hall

Eastwood Barnard

That team would be immense, off topic completely I know but mouth watering at the prospect.

With a bench of, Prior, Barret, JCR, Robson Kanu, Goater and Macca.


Not only that our reserve team would be challenging!