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Aug 18, 2005
Don't know if anybody saw this, but Barcelona have announced their new shirt sponsor is Unicef.

As opposed to the usual way of doing this Barcelona are actually paying Unicef to have their name on their shirts for this season.

Now is this a genuine way of raising money or publicity for a highly worthwhile cause: OR a cynical publicity stunt.

Personally any extra money Unicef raise has to be worthwhile
I think its brilliant

Barcelona have never EVER had a shirt sponsor so who better to be the first people to grace the shirt then the leading childrens charity.
If I was being cynical I'd say this now opens the way for them to have a paying shirt sponsor next season.....
I have to agree, I hope you're wrong but I share your cynicism.

Sponsor aside, I don't much like the new kit. What's wrong with just having regular stripes?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Kenny @ Sep. 22 2006,11:25)]its the UEFA led war on stripes I think
Are you joking or not?

I wouldn't put it past UEFA to be campaigning against stripes in kits as it makes it harder for advertiser's logos to be displayed.