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Nov 19, 2012
So Brown goes for the win and decides to bring on Coulthirst and to my shock about ten fans maybe more, spread around in the west stand, shout out some of the loudest boo's i have heard when he ran on the pitch!

This is towards a player wearing the Southend shirt and someone who has always given 100%.

What has this guy done wrong, what because he isn't Messi he deserves to be booed by some of his own fans!

These so called fans are a disgrace and the fact he scored the pen filled me with so much joy. To shut them idiots up was sweet.

Support Southend United and all that wear the shirt or stay at home!
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Yep idiots they are alright, I think a few were expecting to see Payne come on but yeah I don't understand booing your own players:sad:
Because unfortunately, some people are mindless bellends. I hope they weren't cheering when he tucked the ball away at the penalty otherwise they'd be two-faced mindless bellends.
Because unfortunately, some people are mindless bellends. I hope they weren't cheering when he tucked the ball away at the penalty otherwise they'd be two-faced mindless bellends.

Well i didn't hear any booing after he scored so they have cheered... idiots!

Mind you after he scored I did rather childishly shout out wheyheyyy let's all boo him, boooo!

Silly man :smile:
It's always amazed me over the 40 years I've watched games at Roots Hall, how, if a player's card was marked by certain home fans, that was it, they never got off their backs and hounded them out of the club, where many of them went on to do well. Only player I can think of who went from a "donkey" to a "hero" in the boo-boys eyes was Kevin Mayer.
I never heard booing. The fact he had more shots than Cassidy had touches shows it was a worthwhile change

Yes, it was west stand next to family enclosure. What made it funny was the quote of the day in front of me after the booing.
They booed and this little boy of bout five years old sitting on his dads lap instantaneously shouted out, "what you booing for?"

Bless him.
Yep I detected a few boos too, shameful. There has been a lot of talk about the negative Roots Hall crowd this week and that was perfectly summed up for me during the first half. We played a loose pass (funnily enough they do happen in League Two) - cue a huge groan, one of the young forwards attempted to retrieve the situation, stretched and, being off-balance, was knocked to the ground. Blow me, before the kid had even hit the turf a voice in the East Greens bellowed ' Ge-e-t u-up !!"!! '.
Shaq got the three points today with a well taken pressure penalty. Four points from top spot...exciting times coming up as we look to challenge for the title....yay
Purely frustration.

Some get frustrated and rally behind the team, some get frustrated and take it out on the team. I've booed a woeful team performance out of sheer frustration after the final whistle before (I'm sure most of us have), but never individual players. Once they pull the shirt on they're one of us. Shaq won't win or lose a game all by himself. The sum is greater than the individual parts.
There was definitely a bit of a chilly reception for Weston, and a less than positive one for Shaq. I didn't personally hear any booing for that one but plenty of groaning/less than positive feedback.
No wonder the players perform better away from Roots Hall when some so call fans shout out come on York put us out of our misery
Didn't hear the boos but I once had a 'mate' who booed David Crown for his entire career at Southend purely because he didn't think he was 'man enough' my answer then, and now, is 'look in the book'.

Booing David Crown!:angry:
Was the "mate" mad, blind and from Colcesspiter?
Definitely boos for both Shaq (middle of the West) and Weston (back of the Family mainly). Morons in my opinion. Well done To both of these guys; not the best players to pull on a Southend shirt, but far from the worst and tryers both of them.