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I’m a Mod, that’s unpossible⭐⭐
Staff member
Dec 21, 2003
Post all ratings, reports and discussions in here please.

Another blank? When will this win come, what do we need to do?
Barnard and Eastwood should be allowed to leave in the summer.
What planet are the commentators living on?. We have NO chance of making the play offs on this form
Yep need another scapegoat now Corr isnt playing.

Same old story, team isnt playing well enough to win games.

Are you trying to say that Eastwood has actually done okay? He's been terrible bar his early season 4 goal burst.

barnard seems to be going down the same road.
PB did say early on this season ,that he builds his teams around a solid defence,he told the truth, pity of it is ,we may have the best defensive record in the league , but put it with the worst attack and what do you get ...0-0.this keeps up and SUFC wont have any fans coming through the turnstiles apart from the STH.:stunned:
On the plus side Harrold didn't score. The team looks utterly bereft of ideas. I'd give Payne and Loza starts next game.
What planet are the commentators living on?. We have NO chance of making the play offs on this form
In fairness Pennyfather said that a draw wasn't enough. He did praise our competiveness tonight. From what I heard this evening I had the impression Barnard and Eastwood could have gone on until Monday night without scoring. We are in such a situation that it must have been worth taking the gamble on bringing Loza on at half-time. Don't, for Christ's sake let us start with Eastwood and Barnard on Monday.
Yeah ! im feeling pretty disappointed here, listening to your comments as play was on ,seems the players are bereft of ideas, the strikers lack passion for the game,All in all it really seemed like a dull and boring game. Come on PB this isnt going to win you supporters or SUFC promotion this season or any season sorry.8 games remaining PB lets get adventurous for them, who knows even the players may enjoy it.
Good shout Yogi. Sounds like Fred did nothing and should've been hauled off at half time. Wish Brown would be a bit more bold. Was half expecting Clifford to come on. Maybe Loza can be a foil for Barney in the way Theo Robinson was.
We have scored just 6 goals in the past 8 games. That's bad even for a side struggling to stay in the league let alone those chasing the top7!