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BW Hartlepool Highlights

yogi bear up the cagire

Life President⭐
On the match thread I got my first laugh of the evening when the commentator on BW stated that we needed at least four points from Northampton and MKD's. My second, rather belated, (incredulous) laugh, came from watching us concede our first goal on Friday night.
To lose possession in your own half from our throw in was bad enough....
but what followed almost beggars belief. To see the Hartlepool player, who broke down the right, being pursued by five of our defenders? Barrett, gives up and just stops, staring on at the chase. Francis stands just off the pack and, apart from giving a quick glance towards the penalty area, (the two Hartlepool strikers hadn't yet arrived), he is also looking at the ball. When the ball does come accross there was a choice of two, totally unmarked strikers, one of which had time to pick his spot. This is not schoolboy defending..............it's primary school defending! I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I have, previously thought, that our weakness in midfield was one of the main reasons for our defensive problems. Seeing this shambles gives me the impression that both areas need looking at, in equal measure.
the first goal is an absolute disgrace, i couldn't believe what i saw on the Championship yesterday. The 2nd isn't any better, great strike but everyone backed off him.

I'm too scared to watch the full BW highlights
I really should be working downstairs and not typing on here! That's one of the reasons I kept my comments just on the first goal......completely agree with your remarks about the second as well. On the highlights, between those, there was another illustration where the defence was again backing off and ball watching and we were only saved by a good stop from Mildy.
It's true that, this season, some of the highlights are not for persons of a nervous disposition............perhaps McScriven could consider rating them, rather like the cinema...............Hartlepool was definitely X!
Thats the biggest thing we have lost, we used to be a right mean team not giving any players room but this season we seem to have lost that viciousness. One of the biggest losses is the change in midfield. Last season apart from Black we probably had the best midfield in the league. Bailey and Macca in the middle wasnt nice to be playing against.