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Southend Elvis

First XI
It seems to me that PB isn't a problem solver... According to stats we have had this goal scoring problem for a long time, and a solution to this doesn't seem any closer to appearing. Take Jack Payne, a lot of us would have played him more last season as he seems to offer something different, many have said he probably doesn't show it in training, well in the carling cup I thought he did plenty enough to get a go, only after many more voices and the throw a way cup the JPT does he get a chance, and how well he did and how many of us think he should have got his chance sooner. He played yesterday scored and was subbed going back to his old selections that haven't done it, if i was him I would have kept him on just to stop the fans getting on my back! He has had the worse run of results our club has every had so it seems to me he doesn't really know what to do to stop it, I hope he does as this division in crap, but I can see him gone by Xmas, quoting he had an impossible job at southend just to save his media work?
I get the impression that he will wait for the players to find form which could happen and possibly save his job for a bit longer...I want to see a change in system personally but I don't know if PB will do that.

I don't think he would get away with the impossible job quote, he has the resources and the players at hand to get promotion in my opinion.
I'm a little worried that he has got the question of not using the Charlton lad or any of the other un used strikers wrong, as he seemed to not giving JP a start sooner
To be fair I think PB gets a lot right. The football is better, we are not defensive despite building from the back and on paper we have the mids that could and should light up this division.

We also have had Bentley given an early career chance and Payne, probably later than could have been, allowed to forge a future for himself in the pro game.

PB also brought in a number of good signings last season, again possibly a game or two too late, with the likes of Egan and Sokolik giving us a solid back line. Few can argue that Coker was a good spot.

When it comes to the front line I am less than impressed. He had to inherit Corr and FE. Corr for me has had far too many games since his long injury lay off and for me is not the player he once was. FE, well PB saw him in training and probably knew more of his injury but whatever the reason his days were numbered.

Woodrow came in. I thought he had something about him. No slouch and quite tenacious but young, raw and for me played out of position or not played at all.

Then of course the cry was for hungry lads with pace. Loza came in and stormed into the legend charts of many with one good performance, his debut, and then bareley a few glimpses of the promise in his next six games for us.

Weston comes to us. A wide player that fancies himself as a striker but when he gets in front of goal it shows why he is not.

Shaq next. Well. Where do I start? Pace but as yet no composure or clue in front of goal. Some think he will come good but personally I feel he may get a few but not enough to justify his inclusion.

Whatever happens though PB likes to stick by his selections through thick and thin. Mainly thin. So what seems to be wrong?

I think he is right to go for the pace. Many of us called for it but it is to be played alongside a slightly more experienced player that lends composure and positional play. Ah, Corr! I hear you cry but I think we have to accept he is not at his best and may never be. Two good passes against Stevenage is not consistency. Well PB is not keen to give the job to LB so somewhere he needs to find the Steady Eddie up front that complements the young, hungry pace merchants.

We cannot continue to work so hard, making so many chances, for the strikers to inexcusably waste time and again. We need someone with a wiser head upfront to calm down the rash play and to impart a bit of know-how.

Hey but what do I know? PB has obviously got it all sorted by ensuring we don' leak goals, oops we do, and allowing the classless and clueless to continue up front.
I don't know what works in football, but I'm getting the feeling PB doesn't either, why does he keep using the same faces again and again, if we got the same results with different personal I'm sure many of us wouldn't be so p...ed off, as at least we were trying something different...
I think PB is technically very good and at times play some great football.

Unfortunately that doesn't guarantee results.

I think PB tries to get our players playing formations and tactics abover there means.
I don't know what works in football, but I'm getting the feeling PB doesn't either, why does he keep using the same faces again and again, if we got the same results with different personal I'm sure many of us wouldn't be so p...ed off, as at least we were trying something different...

He made 3 changes to the team that started at Plymouth including dropping Corr who had started all the previous league games and giving Jack Payne his first league start.

Our style of play was definately different than it was with Corr up front.

The reaction on here would seem that tryingto play in a different manner is not enough for some
what would cure everyones woes on here and make this a happy place and bring Mrsblue back to the fold is a striker that scores goals. Question is where do we find such a rare species of person within our budget constrains.But until we do im afraid to say this will always be Shrimpermoan.
He got Hull City into the Premier League and kept them there!!

So, can he get his around a few problems of form and formation with us. Yes. Probably.

I see no reason for panic. We were dreadful second half, but got a point. People forget that. Previous iterations would have lost that. I don't think he really knows what his best team is. Yet.
I agree that a goal scoring striker is needed. But I think we need to give the likes of Ellis Brown and Isaac Layne a first-team chance. And, of course, they must seize the moment when it comes. But it must be demoralising to know they are not really being considered when the likes of Corr and Barnard are struggling.

I do not buy the argument that "you do not win anything with kids". Jack Payne's impact has indicated otherwise.
I certainly agree Kiwi Rob, give Ellis Brown and Isaac Layne a chance to prove themselves , also give Shaq a run in his true position,and kids can win for us , they would / should be desperate given a chance to prove themselves, and just perhaps it will show the older more experienced so called strikers that their place in the team is not guaranteed.
He needs to find his best team and keep on picking it. This is the problem for me at the moment, the system is not getting best out of some of the players, liek Leonard who was so good last season. A decent unbeaten run will only come with a consistent team selection. I dont feel Atkinson or Shaq are worth their places at the moment.
Mentioning the young lads that dont get a go I also wonder whether Williams goals in each of the past 2 reserve games were worth any reminder to Phil?
I certainly agree Kiwi Rob, give Ellis Brown and Isaac Layne a chance to prove themselves , also give Shaq a run in his true position,and kids can win for us , they would / should be desperate given a chance to prove themselves, and just perhaps it will show the older more experienced so called strikers that their place in the team is not guaranteed.

I think the "strikers" know that, seeing as we started the game without any on Saturday.

Layne wasn't even an automatic choice at Billericay last season and is "one for the future", throw him in too soon and his professional career could be over before it's started. I know less about Brown but he looked a way short of League standard pre-season.
I still think Brown is a decent manager but he may be better playing the loan system more, depending on finances of course. His loan signings have usually been first class but many of his permanent signings have been pretty poor. Atkinson, Thompson, Mads, Worrell etc. Ron's meddling in signings hasn't helped the club either. Eastwood and Barnard took up two squad places last season that could have been put to better use.
I think other managers have all sussed how we set up then they can nullify Phil's game plan.

Would love to see us play 442 with the ball being played quickly to the front two without the triangles or sideways passing which allows the opponent to get behind the ball leaving nowhere for us to go.

Can Phil solve it I don't know.
4-4-2 could work but a out of form Hurst does not help and of course lack of goals , could understand p.b taking Payne off he is young and learning the games and was fading imo does he give Brown or the lad from Billericay a chance big risk in a league game ? or does he go with trusted Barny and corr and hope they can hit form , still early season and we have plenty of time and points to recover so not all doom and gloom , these are my thoughts am sure some will disagree but thats football and at the end of the day we all care for our club.
I am getting sick and tired of people on here thinking that two teenagers that have never played any professional football are the answer to our problems.

I think PB has handled the introduction of Payne very well. This time last year, he was not good enough to play in the first team, and as all players of that age he has developed and improved quickly. He has made a few starts in the cup games, and now has improved enough to start in the league.

For the next few games, I am sure that he will start and be subbed off after 60-70 minutes, until he is physically ready for 90 minutes.

Its very old school that 17-18 year olds are thrown into league teams and play 90 minutes week after week. Players are still developing physically at that age and playing too much can cause them all sorts of issues, and I would rather have him rested now and again rather than get injured and be out for months.

Look how much Clifford and Leonard improved from that age.

I am sure that if Payne carries on playing the way he is, come the new year and the second half of the season he will be in the team week in week out for 90 minutes.

Layne, Williams and Brown to me are in the same category as Payne was this time last season or maybe even the season before. I am sure that they have a long way to develop until they are anywhere near good enough for professional football, and they will be introduced slowly over the course of the next couple of seasons.

The problem that PB has at the moment is that too many of our better players from last year are not on form. Leonard has been poor so far, as has Hurst. Corr has only played well on the odd occasion this season. Atkinson got injured and is probably not up to 100% match fitness.

Coker hasn't been playing great, and we are having to bed in a new CB partnership, and the players that have come in also have not been up to speed straight away.

Worrell was injured/without a pre-season so is a couple of weeks behind everyone else, and I am sure he will improve over the coming weeks, Weston looks a bit like Tomlin, but I don't think the is answer, and will probably only manage 10-12 goals a season at best.

I admit I am disappointed by the start we have made, but I am not worried quite yet. Give it another 3 or 4 games and then I might be if things have not improved, but I am hopeful that we are on the right track and not too far away from being in the mix at the right end of the table.
I think other managers have all sussed how we set up then they can nullify Phil's game plan.

Would love to see us play 442 with the ball being played quickly to the front two without the triangles or sideways passing which allows the opponent to get behind the ball leaving nowhere for us to go.

Can Phil solve it I don't know.

So the long ball Sturrock tactics. Nice! :omg: