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Cartilage Damage


Oct 25, 2003
Immersed in the accounts
Any of you guys on here had Cartilage problems ?
Mrs FS fell the other day and the Hospital said yesterday she's damaged the cartilage and has to go back Monday, she was under the belief that this would be for and exploratory. I am guessing thats a cmara in the knee thing.

Does that sound right ?

Poor old dear is hobbling around at the moment, its quite comical at times .
Yep, guess they will do an endoscopy on the knee if it's an exploratory.

Oh dear, poor Mrs FS. Knee injuries are horrible. Make sure she gets a decent physio schedule too.
Jeez. not another one! I hope it doesn't end her career.. with Hammy going, she was going to start left back!!

But seriously, best wishes...
My brother Rich (Brettie Angell) has part of his cartilage removed a couple of years back. He still has trouble with the knee and at times can be a real discomfort.

The physoitherapy he got from the hospital was good for it but unfortunately it's one of those things that won't go away.

I hope Mrs FS is okay though mate.
I've had an arthroscopy and ACL, as well as my current condition, sero-negative arthopathy (IIRC), an HLA27?-type inflammatory arthritis.

Gary, if she's at least hobbling, that's a good sign. I had cartilage damage and could hardly stand. The physio is important, but any decent NHS department should be able to help, or even a sports physio. There's a good one in Southend Hospital. Also, if they recommend it, use the red stretchy elastic, it works a treat for strengthening the lateral muscles.
Any of you guys on here had Cartilage problems ?
Mrs FS fell the other day and the Hospital said yesterday she's damaged the cartilage and has to go back Monday, she was under the belief that this would be for and exploratory. I am guessing thats a cmara in the knee thing.

Does that sound right ?

Poor old dear is hobbling around at the moment, its quite comical at times .

I have been watching a lot of House recently, so am well qualified to answer this question. What other symptoms is she suffering from so I can differentially diagnose? It should take me about 10 minutes to come up with my first theory, 10 minutes to realise that the treatment I proscribed is actually doing more harm than good, leading to me proposing an incredibly rare condition with a 1 in 250 million chance of occurring, before I should correctly diagnose 2 conditions on about 32 minutes, leaving a further 9 minutes for sarky comments and insults.

I hope she gets well soon.
I have been watching a lot of House recently, so am well qualified to answer this question. What other symptoms is she suffering from so I can differentially diagnose? It should take me about 10 minutes to come up with my first theory, 10 minutes to realise that the treatment I proscribed is actually doing more harm than good, leading to me proposing an incredibly rare condition with a 1 in 250 million chance of occurring, before I should correctly diagnose 2 conditions on about 32 minutes, leaving a further 9 minutes for sarky comments and insults.

I hope she gets well soon.

Don't forget to inject yourself with some illegal pharmaceuticals and pat yourself on the back for earning 250k per episode
I have been watching a lot of House recently, so am well qualified to answer this question. What other symptoms is she suffering from so I can differentially diagnose? It should take me about 10 minutes to come up with my first theory, 10 minutes to realise that the treatment I proscribed is actually doing more harm than good, leading to me proposing an incredibly rare condition with a 1 in 250 million chance of occurring, before I should correctly diagnose 2 conditions on about 32 minutes, leaving a further 9 minutes for sarky comments and insults.

I hope she gets well soon.

Its NOT Lupus
I have had both knees rebuilt for the same reason.

You always get a first exploritory op so they can have a look about. Minimal scaring and a one day job. I was driving 2 days after. No real pain.
If you are minted there are new operations where they grow cartilage (as it doesn't repair in the same way other bones, muscles etc do). Costs about 7grand per sq inch but it is meant to be quite good.
If you are minted there are new operations where they grow cartilage (as it doesn't repair in the same way other bones, muscles etc do). Costs about 7grand per sq inch but it is meant to be quite good.

I dont know about the cost but this has been mentioned to me before, I was told its a 50/50 chance of sorting it out!
My cousin plays Rugby for Essex but a few years ago took a severe knock to the knee, damaging the cartilage requiring approximately 1/3 of it to be removed. At the time, they thought he wouldn't play again but his recovery was great (Helped by the amount of cash his family have to spend) and he's now got a good future in Rugby.

Things are long distance from the Jamie Redknapp days, where they'd hack and slash at cartilage and worry about it later.
Its likely that they may trim any part that may be torn, saving the (k)need (sorry) for a second op.

Having had 5/6 ops on my knee & awaiting another major op, I would suggest that she tries a few supplements such as Glucosmine (sp) to help the joint out. Unfortunately, once you start having probs with your knee, you're likely to continue to do so. The other bit of advice, IF applicable, lose weight! It advice I'm not taking at the mo, by weighing at 17+ stone. It does make a difference!

Good luck.
Think if she had any ambitions of starting a career as a marathon runner may have gone to.
Its likely that they may trim any part that may be torn, saving the (k)need (sorry) for a second op.

Having had 5/6 ops on my knee & awaiting another major op, I would suggest that she tries a few supplements such as Glucosmine (sp) to help the joint out. Unfortunately, once you start having probs with your knee, you're likely to continue to do so. The other bit of advice, IF applicable, lose weight! It advice I'm not taking at the mo, by weighing at 17+ stone. It does make a difference!

Good luck.

Sounds pretty bad. What is/was the problem?
Sounds pretty bad. What is/was the problem?

Long boring story, but briefly, years of being a fast-ish bowler & being big I've knackered the cartilage to the point of having none left of the inside of my knee. I've then chipped away at the bone, made it arthritic & slightly bow-legged! I'm a lot of pain most of the time & need an op to realign my leg so that the weight goes through the healthy part of the knee. The link to the op follows: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteotomy Quite a scar!

I'm just a bit upset that the op is the day before the Forest game & I'll be in hospital for 3-5 day & will miss it & the Huddersfield game too!! :(

You'll see me hobbling about at the Swansea game though!!
I'm not sure about Ronnie's injury, but once the knee is severely damaged, you will struggle. Like Ronnie, I stopped bowling to try to keep playing, but in the end the batting suffered too.

I guess he had arthritis too. He will probably end up having a knee replacement when older!