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Charles Kennedy


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
No doubt Charles Kennedy's sudden death will be prominent in the press and TV over the next few days, and, as yet, no cause has been announced.

I'm posting purely to say that it is an incredible shame when someone dies so young (55) and no doubt the Lib Dems have lost a very talented colleague from their party. RIP Charles Kennedy.
Really sad news, he seemed like a decent and honest guy and was popular across all parties because of that. Really sad for his family, and for politics as a whole.
Such a shame. He always seemed to be a decent bloke. I also gained a lot of respect for him when he stepped down as leader due to alcohol problems. He was very open and honest, and I felt a lot of sympathy for him.
I know it's a comedy show, but it would be a nice touch if this week's episode of Have I Got News For You was dedicated to him. He'll always be synonymous with that programme.
Very sad news, apparently felt the loss of his seat very badly, and also lost his father during the run up. Too much loss to deal with? Don't know, what I do know is that I always felt he was a genuine man and that, amongst the ranks of politicians in recent times, is not something I can say about many of them. RIP.
Very sad news, apparently felt the loss of his seat very badly, and also lost his father during the run up. Too much loss to deal with? Don't know, what I do know is that I always felt he was a genuine man and that, amongst the ranks of politicians in recent times, is not something I can say about many of them. RIP.

Suicide hasn't been mentioned at all.
Suicide hasn't been mentioned at all.
It was the first thing that came into my mind though, The BBC Article says Police were called and that the death is not being considered as suspicious. Unfortunately this is the standard form used in cases of suicide.
Very sad news. As the article stated, " Charlie Kennedy was a career politician who did not seem to be a career politician." A quality of representative that is becoming more and more difficult to find in today's parliament.
It's very rare that the general public feel sadness at the death of a politician, but that is different for Charles Kennedy. One of the very best of them, a true liberal and a man who was respected on all sides of the HoC. 'Chatshow' was able to disagree with people, but still respect their argument as a valid one without resorting to snide remarks and castigations, all to rare in this day and age.

It really is a true shame that the HoC lost him last month, but now British politics has lost him altogether. My thoughts are with his family and particularly his young son Donald. So very sad.
Is this the longest a thread has gone in the Politics forum without disagreement?

Just goes to show what a massive loss Charles Kennedy is.
It was the first thing that came into my mind though, The BBC Article says Police were called and that the death is not being considered as suspicious. Unfortunately this is the standard form used in cases of suicide.

Police attend all unexpected sudden deaths - doesn't mean anything.