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Cool dude or what?


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
This little fella turned up in my sister's back garden late last night. Obviously a bit tired.

Does your sister feed him?

I always leave some food and water out for the wildlife. I’ve had foxes living out the back of my place for years, and have always tried to help them where I can.
Does your sister feed him?

I always leave some food and water out for the wildlife. I’ve had foxes living out the back of my place for years, and have always tried to help them where I can.
No, but there is woodland backing onto their garden so they often get a few visitors especially foxes. Latest arrivals were a couple of ducks that made themselves at home on the fish pond.
No, but there is woodland backing onto their garden so they often get a few visitors especially foxes. Latest arrivals were a couple of ducks that made themselves at home on the fish pond.

Nice. I could quite happily **** human beings off forever, and just immerse myself in nature (no hippy)
They carry TB

I thought I'd say it as someone always says that when you talk about badgers. Just like people always say a swan can brake your arm when you mention swans. Does anybody know anyone who has caught TB off a badger or had their arm broken by a swan? I think it's bollocks
They carry TB

I thought I'd say it as someone always says that when you talk about badgers. Just like people always say a swan can brake your arm when you mention swans. Does anybody know anyone who has caught TB off a badger or had their arm broken by a swan? I think it's bollocks

I always think that when Koala bears have chlamydia, who was first human to find out and explain to their partner

"No honestly i didnot touch the Koala"
Not on the same hand, unless you are from Colchester and then find us with one on each hand as abnormal

I actually took this photo last time we visited Col U. He may have been unique but Colchester folk reckon he's normal.
