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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Jeez, this is ball aching. Could take a while!
Sorry, should never have started this thread : )

Heard a stat today that 1/3 of the world is currently on lockdown which is completely mental and I can't really comprehend it to be honest.

When I started the thread 1 month ago I though this could be bad, but the world has changed immeasurably in 1 month and it's a lot worse than I could have imagined. The very scary thing is this is just the start.
The border force picked up nearly 100 migrants this morning ,and it's been stated that they've all been tested for the virus........yet our NHS staff can't get tested .....disgusting and unbelievable
That makes me fuming.
I have been told today that I most likely have it so as a front line nurse I have been taken out of practice and my colleagues (who are already over worked) will need to cover my work.
I have asked if I can be tested to determine confirmation and was told that only if admitted to hospital can it be done. As I am not gasping for breath I don’t need medical intervention as I can manage the other symptoms but, when I read that celebrities and now Prince Charles have been tested as showing mild symptoms I am getting angry as how come they can and I can’t??? As if I don’t have it then I only have a virus which means I can return to work
The border force picked up nearly 100 migrants this morning ,and it's been stated that they've all been tested for the virus........yet our NHS staff can't get tested .....disgusting and unbelievable

Presumably these people are going to be detained. Might be a good idea to determine if they are infected before doing so.
Presumably these people are going to be detained. Might be a good idea to determine if they are infected before doing so.
They should be detained in secure accommodation for 14 days.....why waste tests on them when front line NHS staff aren't being tested.Why on earth would you give somebody who arrives here illegally in a time of lock down preferential treatment!
Just heard from a relative in Cornwall that police have started to operate road blocks to make sure people are only on essential travel. Sounds like it's to stop people going to the coast. Probably a sign of where we're heading in the next few days

Hopefully they are turning away the 'down from towners' at the border.
In local news today. Estate agents Spicerhaart, have laid off over 300 workers. At Tesco's Prince Avenue, people were stealing stuff from the foodbank for all of last week, mainly stuff that was short on the shelves. Staff have had to move the foodbank to customer services.

Spicerhaart have been in trouble for a long time - them and Countrywide (Abbotts and Bairstow Eves locally).
Spicerhaart have been in trouble for a long time - them and Countrywide (Abbotts and Bairstow Eves locally).

Nobody likes to see people losing their jobs some companies have no choice.

Compare this to Wetherspoons who were turning a good profit and whose owner is worth over half a billion.
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Air and travel industry will be the last to recover from this. No point in isolating the virus here, if you then open the borders and let anyone from anywhere in and out.

It will be months and months, if not years before foreign travel is back and running like it was.
Very sadly a 38 year old charlton supporter has passed away. It appears he may have had asthma. Please everybody be sensible and stay at home. Football is the last thing i'm thinking about at the moment. Lets all get through this together.
Been trying to volunteer for N.H.S.. Covid 19 as a driver, do this for a brewery.
However been trying for hours to get some help, as its wants me to download something to do with my driving licence. Have not got a clue what they mean.
Put my driving Licence number in, but it wont have it unless i download photo's from files.
I want to volunteer as have in past and fit the critera, but going to have to give up as no help is available with form. Arrrr
Just heard from a relative in Cornwall that police have started to operate road blocks to make sure people are only on essential travel. Sounds like it's to stop people going to the coast. Probably a sign of where we're heading in the next few days

Good.I have a friend who left from Cornwall yesterday to take care of his elderly mother in Rayleigh for a bit.That sounds like essential travel to me.
My wife has been "told" by her brother that they need to take it in turns to visit their mother each day to ensure she's safe and well and not going insane. At the moment they're going twice a week each and having a chat whilst standing at the end of her drive whilst she stands on the doorstep.

That's all well and good, but as I pointed out to my wife:
  • He lives 2 minutes a way, we live about 35 minutes away
  • We have 2 young kids that need us, he as 3 grown up kids that don't live with him
  • My wife looks after her every week whilst he spends months on end abroad
  • Maybe now is the time he took some of the strain
My wife has been "told" by her brother that they need to take it in turns to visit their mother each day to ensure she's safe and well and not going insane. At the moment they're going twice a week each and having a chat whilst standing at the end of her drive whilst she stands on the doorstep.

That's all well and good, but as I pointed out to my wife:
  • He lives 2 minutes a way, we live about 35 minutes away
  • We have 2 young kids that need us, he as 3 grown up kids that don't live with him
  • My wife looks after her every week whilst he spends months on end abroad
  • Maybe now is the time he took some of the strain
Suggest she TELLS her brother a few home truths - sounds like he needs it.
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