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Sandbach Shrimper

Life President⭐
Oct 25, 2003
East Cheshire
Think we've done OK so far, Crewe have had most of the ball but haven't had any clear-cut chances. We've defended alright and have had the best chances. Came into it more towards the end. Mohsni needs to get in the game more. Hope Phillips' injury isn't bad, would bring Prosser on if there's a risk he could aggravate something. Most of the noise has come from the home fans.

Anyone else get annoyed by the commentary and punditry for lower league games? I find it quite uninformed and patronising.
Think we've done OK so far, Crewe have had most of the ball but haven't had any clear-cut chances. We've defended alright and have had the best chances. Came into it more towards the end. Mohsni needs to get in the game more. Hope Phillips' injury isn't bad, would bring Prosser on if there's a risk he could aggravate something. Most of the noise has come from the home fans.

Anyone else get annoyed by the commentary and punditry for lower league games? I find it quite uninformed and patronising.

Totally agree with you their with you Shrimpboy.
I just loved the comment of Mohsni being called "the Mario Ballotelli of League 2" hahahaha gold.
Yep, agreed here. I'd also say that if we were in Crewe's position we'd be getting frustrated. How many times over the years have we been on top, only to concede a silly goal and lose?

Here's hoping that's what we do to them.
Kane shouldve done much better with that chance. Fancy if that had been Mohsni it wouldve been in the back of the net.
Gotta say weve been totally outplayed this second half. Our end product has been abysmal (summed up by Grants efforts). If its still 1-0 at full time I will be happy.