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Drum & bass producer Marcus Intalex has died today - no cause of death given as yet, I don't think he was even 40. He was a bit of an unsung legend of the genre and made several pioneering tunes. RIP Marcus :sad:

Roy Barrowclough aka Alec Gilroy in Corrie died today

Under rated comedian as well, when playing along side Les Dawson
Peter Sallis (Last Of The Summer Wine & Wallace & Grommit) dies age 96.
Lived in Leigh during the war , his mother is buried over Eastwood Church .
Chieck Tiote, ex Newcastle Utd footballer died of a heart attack, just 30 yrs old. Tragic.
GYS, I wondered if it was possible for you to copy and paste everyone's nominations into the first post on the thread when you get the chance, just so it's easy for us all to keep check on each other's selections?
Drum & bass producer Marcus Intalex has died today - no cause of death given as yet, I don't think he was even 40. He was a bit of an unsung legend of the genre and made several pioneering tunes. RIP Marcus :sad:


Woah, I completely missed this:sad::'(

Hopefully he'll be in a Better Place.

ps Pretty sure he must have been over 40 - otherwise he must have been some sort of Mozart style child prodigy (although I'm not dismissing this possibility entirely) as he was about in the mid 90s if not earlier!
RIP Andy Cunningham - aka Bodger of Bodger and Badger fame. Mashed potato anyone? :sad: