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I used to play a little.
Some months ago now I come onto this website and was very open and honest about how depression/anxiety was overtaking my life. Part of the reason was to get back into the swing of things on Shrimperzone and let people know where I have been but the other was to seek feedback and opinions on the mental illness as a way of potentially helping to deal with the issue.

The response I had was truly overwhelming. I received well wishes, people's personal experiences with the battle, contact telephone numbers and advice. So much of this was received as a PM which just goes to show how much the people of Shrimperzone care. It is so refreshing to know that other people in the human race will drop things and go out of their way for others.

The support that I received helped me no end. I was down but had mustered up enough energy to turn on a computer and post and I will never regret the decision I made. My new philosophy which I will carry with me is "a problem shared is a problem halved". To all of you who responded I offer a personal "thank you" from the heart. Your response gave me some extra confidence at a time that I couldn't get much lower. It gave me a belief that I could get through what I was battling and that things didn't have to remain negative forever. For those that have experienced being so low I am sure you will agree with me and understand how it is to have a close community around you and the love of your family and friends.

I was inspired to write this after reading the message of thanks from Genial Harry Grout yesterday regarding his Business Plans thread. Entirely different, but again it shows the extra mile that people go and we must never look beyond that. I am sure GHG will agree with me that the response is a step beyond something you thought possible and each and almost every post articulately written and helpful in its own way.

Some of you had continued to send messages of support long after my initial post and for that I am thankful. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how I am getting on now. As of tomorrow I will have been back at work for 2 months. It was a momentous achievement for me the day that I returned after having 3 months off of work due to depression/anxiety. I began working limited hours but I am now back working full days and I am trying to enjoy life. I did seek the advice of a number of you and have been having counselling sessions which I feel have benefitted me and have looked at the way I think and shown me better ways to process my thoughts.

I had lost 2 stone in weight and whilst I had returned to eating like a starved human enjoying his first meal after Ramadam, pretty much every day, I had not been putting weight back on. However, late night milk and biscuits seem to be doing the trick now. I am still not drinking which is probably the reason behind my weight staying lower! Most women, seem to be jealous of this but I just want to put my gut back on! I worked years on that!

The weight is going up, my outlook on life is much more positive and I do aim to get back to physical activity soon. I have been going to watch my friends play cricket and have enjoyed socialising. But I feel like I owe so much to the people of Shrimperzone for providing inspiration at such a tough time in my life!

A real heart felt "thank you" and a message to say that the response I had is something that I am unlikey to ever forget.

Right, time to sign off before I well up in front of my colleagues or get the sack for slacking off of work!

Thanks to everyone and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart.

One step at a time, and then you find you're walking, then soon you're away and running - glad to hear things have improved....it's all about that first step though and I think you took that the day you posted your thread on here.
What anti-depressants did your GP prescribe for the anxiety/depression? When my anxiety plays up my GP gives me a low dose of Citalopram which I find quite helpful once they eventually get into the system!!
What anti-depressants did your GP prescribe for the anxiety/depression? When my anxiety plays up my GP gives me a low dose of Citalopram which I find quite helpful once they eventually get into the system!!

Cipralex. 10mg. However I have only been taking 5mg for a number of weeks now as I try to come off of them!

Another top post southend4ever / Greg, puts a tear in the eye. God bless SZ.

Well done, it takes guts to ask for help, guts to accept help, and guts to follow it through. (that sounds a bit wrong now, but you know what I mean!)
Personally I think there's been a general uplift in mood since I started my "Describe your last poop with a movie title"...
Some months ago now I come onto this website and was very open and honest about how depression/anxiety was overtaking my life. Part of the reason was to get back into the swing of things on Shrimperzone and let people know where I have been but the other was to seek feedback and opinions on the mental illness as a way of potentially helping to deal with the issue.

The response I had was truly overwhelming. I received well wishes, people's personal experiences with the battle, contact telephone numbers and advice. So much of this was received as a PM which just goes to show how much the people of Shrimperzone care. It is so refreshing to know that other people in the human race will drop things and go out of their way for others.

The support that I received helped me no end. I was down but had mustered up enough energy to turn on a computer and post and I will never regret the decision I made. My new philosophy which I will carry with me is "a problem shared is a problem halved". To all of you who responded I offer a personal "thank you" from the heart. Your response gave me some extra confidence at a time that I couldn't get much lower. It gave me a belief that I could get through what I was battling and that things didn't have to remain negative forever. For those that have experienced being so low I am sure you will agree with me and understand how it is to have a close community around you and the love of your family and friends.

I was inspired to write this after reading the message of thanks from Genial Harry Grout yesterday regarding his Business Plans thread. Entirely different, but again it shows the extra mile that people go and we must never look beyond that. I am sure GHG will agree with me that the response is a step beyond something you thought possible and each and almost every post articulately written and helpful in its own way.

Some of you had continued to send messages of support long after my initial post and for that I am thankful. I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how I am getting on now. As of tomorrow I will have been back at work for 2 months. It was a momentous achievement for me the day that I returned after having 3 months off of work due to depression/anxiety. I began working limited hours but I am now back working full days and I am trying to enjoy life. I did seek the advice of a number of you and have been having counselling sessions which I feel have benefitted me and have looked at the way I think and shown me better ways to process my thoughts.

I had lost 2 stone in weight and whilst I had returned to eating like a starved human enjoying his first meal after Ramadam, pretty much every day, I had not been putting weight back on. However, late night milk and biscuits seem to be doing the trick now. I am still not drinking which is probably the reason behind my weight staying lower! Most women, seem to be jealous of this but I just want to put my gut back on! I worked years on that!

The weight is going up, my outlook on life is much more positive and I do aim to get back to physical activity soon. I have been going to watch my friends play cricket and have enjoyed socialising. But I feel like I owe so much to the people of Shrimperzone for providing inspiration at such a tough time in my life!

A real heart felt "thank you" and a message to say that the response I had is something that I am unlikey to ever forget.

Right, time to sign off before I well up in front of my colleagues or get the sack for slacking off of work!

Thanks to everyone and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart.


Due to closest family tragedies, I've been there. Wanting to live is the first and biggest step. Then trying to live a normal life is the next. I think you'll be surprised at the high percentage of people that have suffered from depression at one stage or another. You seem to be back on track Greg, and I think you'll be O.K. Stay positive and focus on the best things in life. Wishing you or anyone else that is suffering, the very best of luck for the future.
Nice one Greg. Well played old son and also the good folk of SZ. Now make sure you have a good summer and get that gut back on - I can certainly give some top tips there. :smiles:
Having read through a few threads with a bit of needle to them I wanted to bump this and say why in my eyes this is the best site with some great people.

I am currently writing an article on my experiences through the eyes of ME through the rough patch that I had at the beginning of the year in particular. Don't let me fool you I am still on anti-depressants but I am a million times better now.

I was writing the article and felt the need to point out the lift in spirits it gave me when I posted my original thread on here to explain why I had been away from the site for some time and to create an awareness of mental illness. Providing there is an interest I would like to post my article onto the site for people to read once I am finished.

I just want you all to realise what a great bunch you are with hearts of gold! Keep the debates going but in good spirits. When I am fully back in working order it would be great to meet some of you for a beer in the local.

Thanks again for all your support, truly an amazing set of people who helped me on my way to a recovery.
I'd certainly be interested in it. Mental illness is still a taboo, and it takes someone brave to face it head on, let alone talk about it in public.

You're 100% right though, despite some of the crap that appears on it, there are a lot of very very good people on here that would help in the blink of an eye.

Good luck with the writing, I'm sure it can't be easy, but hopefully therapeutic.
I was in an interesting meeting yesterday, where I was discussing with some MH commissioners in South Yorkshire about financing some new services, one of which is bibliography therapy, and how writing (especially biographical) is seen by many service users as therapeutic. I'd be really interesting in reading what you write.

The 'pets as friends' idea was a little bit more bonkers however.
I was in an interesting meeting yesterday, where I was discussing with some MH commissioners in South Yorkshire about financing some new services, one of which is bibliography therapy, and how writing (especially biographical) is seen by many service users as therapeutic. I'd be really interesting in reading what you write.

The 'pets as friends' idea was a little bit more bonkers however.[/QUOTE

Another area that's being encouraged is art therapy . While the written word is useful , symbolic representation is found to be a more accurate indicator of a persons feelings . Also its harder for people to hide how they feel in what they believe others could expect them to write.