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When are they going to sort out these scheduling ****-ups?

Once again, one live game on Sunday (Real Sociedad v Atleti) stared before another (Osasuna v Betis) had finished. Surely it can't be beyond the wit of the LFP to schedule games so they don't overrun?

Betis flying high in fifth right now. I'd bite both your hands off if offered that at the end of the season.

Agreed.But they're obviously timetables dictated by the TV networks rather than **** ups as such.This Saturday Espanyol play Malaga at the unheard of time of 4pm,(first time I've ever been to a game kicking off at that time on a Saturday in well over 30 years of living in Spain).The week after Espanyol are away at Real Sociadad at 12 am Sunday.
It's about time the clubs stopped allowing themselves being held to ransome on this one.Not a single Espanyol home game (of the 6 so far, including this Saturday)has yet been on the same day,at the same time.
Espanyol have lost 5,000 season card holders this season and the weird KO times are clearly a factor.
Agreed.But they're obviously timetables dictated by the TV networks rather than **** ups as such.This Saturday Espanyol play Malaga at the unheard of time of 4pm,(first time I've ever been to a game kicking off at that time on a Saturday in well over 30 years of living in Spain).The week after Espanyol are away at Real Sociadad at 12 am Sunday.
It's about time the clubs stopped allowing themselves being held to ransome on this one.Not a single Espanyol home game (of the 6 so far, including this Saturday)has yet been on the same day,at the same time.
Espanyol have lost 5,000 season card holders this season and the weird KO times are clearly a factor.

Indeed you're right. By ****-ups I rather meant general idiocy.

Interesting what you say about Espanyol losing so many seasos, the chopping and changing of kick-off times must be a factor.
Indeed you're right. By ****-ups I rather meant general idiocy.

Interesting what you say about Espanyol losing so many seasos, the chopping and changing of kick-off times must be a factor.

That and every decent player we've had over the last few seasons has been sold(apart from Verdu and he's "negociating" a new contract at the moment).:sad:Also a crap board.But yes, it's clearly a factor along with the crisis.
The attendance yesterday of 21,000+was back to the sort of level they used to get in the bad old days at Montjuic.Espanol I believe are the 6th/7th best supported club in La Liga, so it must be a general problem.
Heard yesterday that Getafe are thinking of introducing a second half of the season card in January for 50 euros.:stunned:
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That and every decent player we've had over the last few seasons has been sold(apart from Verdu and he's "negociating" a new contract at the moment).:sad:Also a crap board.But yes, it's clearly a factor along with the crisis.
The attendance yesterday of 21,000+was back to the sort of level they used to get in the bad old days at Montjuic.Espanol I believe are the 6th/7th best supported club in La Liga, so it must be a general problem.
Heard yesterday that Getafe are thinking of introducing a second half of the season card in January for 50 euros.:stunned:

I guess by that basis their home games Vs Barca and Real are both before January!
Johann Cruyff is retiring at the age of 65.His last game in charge of the Catalan team will be on January 2nd at Espanyol's Cornellà stadium against an (as yet)unamed opposition.
Traditionally these games were played against whoever had knocked Spain out of the World Cup or Euros.That's been a problem in recent years.:smiles:
This thread has gone a bit quiet, so by way of update:

Real Betis beat Real Madrid 1-0 at the weekend, are fifth in the league and in to the last 16 of the Copa del Rey.

Espanyol have recently sacked their coach, lie bottom of the league and just went out of the Copa del Rey, losing 6-1 on aggregate.
This thread has gone a bit quiet, so by way of update:

Real Betis beat Real Madrid 1-0 at the weekend, are fifth in the league and in to the last 16 of the Copa del Rey.

Espanyol have recently sacked their coach, lie bottom of the league and just went out of the Copa del Rey, losing 6-1 on aggregate.

And you wonder why I've gone a bit quiet on here?:stunned::sad:
(P.s. They're playing crap too).
I'm really enjoying watching Malaga this season, if only for Isco. Obviously made something of a name for himself last year having signed for them in a budget €6m deal (completely under the radar, given Malaga's more extravagant acquisitions that year), but this season he's added phenomenal consistency to his performances and he's a joy to watch. He's got this unerring ability to spot and play a pass with perfect precision and weighting, no matter the amount of pressure he finds himself under from opposition defences. His slide rule passes in between defences are sublime (the likes of Messi could feed off him alone) and he looks destined for a big-money move next summer. For my money, he's worth more than David Silva on current form.

Cap most certainly doffed to Pellegrini, too. Considering Malaga's circumstances, he's doing a tremendous job there.
I'm really enjoying watching Malaga this season, if only for Isco. Obviously made something of a name for himself last year having signed for them in a budget €6m deal (completely under the radar, given Malaga's more extravagant acquisitions that year), but this season he's added phenomenal consistency to his performances and he's a joy to watch. He's got this unerring ability to spot and play a pass with perfect precision and weighting, no matter the amount of pressure he finds himself under from opposition defences. His slide rule passes in between defences are sublime (the likes of Messi could feed off him alone) and he looks destined for a big-money move next summer. For my money, he's worth more than David Silva on current form.

Cap most certainly doffed to Pellegrini, too. Considering Malaga's circumstances, he's doing a tremendous job there.

They were much the better side in a 0-0 draw with Espanyol earlier this season (not that that's been too difficult recently).

I entirely agree with your comments about Malaga(especially in Europe)and Pellegrini.
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I'm always happy to see Pellegrini do well too after the shabby way he was treated at Real Madrid.

Aye, there's certain (if hugely stretched) comparisons to be made between Pellegrini's season at Real and Sturrock last year. Both clubs achieved record points total in the league, but ultimately fell short of their target at the hands of some fairly unique circumstances. Still, if you're going to lose your job, I guess you can take some comfort from the fact you're doing so to Mou.
I'm really enjoying watching Malaga this season, if only for Isco. Obviously made something of a name for himself last year having signed for them in a budget €6m deal (completely under the radar, given Malaga's more extravagant acquisitions that year), but this season he's added phenomenal consistency to his performances and he's a joy to watch. He's got this unerring ability to spot and play a pass with perfect precision and weighting, no matter the amount of pressure he finds himself under from opposition defences. His slide rule passes in between defences are sublime (the likes of Messi could feed off him alone) and he looks destined for a big-money move next summer. For my money, he's worth more than David Silva on current form.

You shouldn't underestimate the importance of Joaquin and Saviola to Malaga's side though.

Although at(in the case of the former)and approaching (in the case of the latter)veteran age, they're both a joy to watch too.
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It's been good to see Joaquin rediscover his mojo. Can't believe it's over 10 years since his brilliant World Cup in Japan/Korea
Saviola's another example of some great management by Pellegrini. Malaga, without a pot to **** in really, forced into the free transfer and loan market to bolster their ranks ahead of a demanding season in which they'll be participating in the Champions League. Santa Cruz did reasonably at Betis last season, so should provide decent cover, but Saviola's was a transfer about as astute as they come.

Joaquin's always reminded me a little of Ricardo Quaresma. Confidence player who looks utterly withdrawn from the game when he's devoid of self belief, but when he's on-song he's capable of breezing past full-backs as if they aren't even there.

Anyway, another demolition for Barca and another two goals for Messi at the weekend, which I think leaves him just the one goal shy of Muller's record haul of 85 in a calendar year. Balague seems convinced that Barca have made a down payment of €10m to Santos for Neymar, but I just don't see why they'd pay so much money for Neymar considering what they already have, and what they have coming through. They risk alienating Pedro, a fantastic footballer and one of the most heinously underrated footballers in European football at the moment, if they opt to field Neymar down the left, and what message does it send out to youngsters like Deulofeu?
Saviola's another example of some great management by Pellegrini. Malaga, without a pot to **** in really, forced into the free transfer and loan market to bolster their ranks ahead of a demanding season in which they'll be participating in the Champions League. Santa Cruz did reasonably at Betis last season, so should provide decent cover, but Saviola's was a transfer about as astute as they come.

Indeed.Espanyol wanted to sign him from Bar$a a few years back but La Porta refused to allow the move.
Espanyol have until the end of December to pay circa €6m to the taxman... Money that they reportedly don't have - http://www.football-espana.net/26595/tax-pressure-espanyol

Cheers ESB.:sad:
Mentioned this to a mate and he said there'd be nothing about it in the local Catalan press.Doen't mean it's not true as everyone (and their dog)knows Espanyol have huge financial problems(just like SU really).:'(

(Update)Just checked on the Espanyol website and your story is fully confirmed in a TV inerview with a club official.
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