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Fire in North Kensington.

So Theresa May pops down, doesn't talk to a single survivor or relative. She is terrified of any non-Tory voting general public isn't she?

Do you have to go on every thread and spout your anti Tory ********! It's getting boring and very tedious now.
Do you have to go on every thread and spout your anti Tory ********! It's getting boring and very tedious now.

Every thread? I only post anti-Tory stuff on relevant threads, like this one - when the leader of the country doesn't deem the survivors of a terrible tragedy worthy of her time. If you don't like it Ricey, stick me on ignore.

I imagine even Thatcher or Cameron would have shaken a few hands and mutter a few platitudes.
Back on topic, I think the paramedics also need a mention. Ok, they don't go into burning buildings, but they still have to deal with the aftermath. The husband of a friend of mine was one of them. We was there all night after a pretty long shift.

I was also out for dinner with a few friends last night, one of which is a doctor based at the Royal Free in North London. He got a call, and was at work at 6.00am to help treat the injured. He was very subdued last night as you would expect. Firstly, he was knackered, and secondly he'd been treating children suffering from smoke inhalation. My mate is an anaesthetist so for him to be involved things must have been pretty bad.
Every thread? I only post anti-Tory stuff on relevant threads, like this one - when the leader of the country doesn't deem the survivors of a terrible tragedy worthy of her time. If you don't like it Ricey, stick me on ignore.

I imagine even Thatcher or Cameron would have shaken a few hands and mutter a few platitudes.

Trouble is Thatcher would have brought Jimmy Savile with her
Every thread? I only post anti-Tory stuff on relevant threads, like this one - when the leader of the country doesn't deem the survivors of a terrible tragedy worthy of her time. If you don't like it Ricey, stick me on ignore.

I imagine even Thatcher or Cameron would have shaken a few hands and mutter a few platitudes.

Unfortunately I'm a mod and can't do that as I'm supposed to moderate.
The Sun have decided to name and shame the person they allege who's fridge started the fire. What utter utter *****.
This on the other hand regarding the Sun was brilliant!

The Sun is unofficially banned in Fire Stations because of the Hillsborough style lies they have printed about the Fire service in the past.
Watching this horrendous story unfold, the interview with the young man from Syria talking about his 'lost' brother was truly heartbreaking.
The Daily mail trying to claim that energy efficiency targets are somehow to blame for the fire - or at least how quickly it spread - is both laughable and detestable in equal measure.
The Daily mail trying to claim that energy efficiency targets are somehow to blame for the fire - or at least how quickly it spread - is both laughable and detestable in equal measure.

It's detestable that anyone is trying to pre-empt what will have to be a seriously in-depth inquiry. The victims deserve a proper, full inquiry that really gets to the bottom of the issue. That won't happen whilst newspapers (of all sides) and people in general jump to conclusions.
Did anyone see Charlie Stayt on BBC Breakfast lay into Sajid Javid on the retro-fitting of water sprinklers? Javid made some mealy mouthed platitudes and Stayt got properly angry....and rightly so :thumbsup:
If this place is anything like the rest of London many of the flats/rooms will have been sub let. Identifying victims is going to be very tough indeed.

A: Well given the cladding is apparently banned in Germany, I'm going to suggest no. You utterly shameless bunch of ****ehawks
Is that real? **** me, is there no limit to the depths that these journalist ****stains will sink to?