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Goal of the season?

Rob Noxious

Retro Supremo⭐
Oct 23, 2008
I've only just seen Carlton Cole's goal vs Wigan from Weds night- an intricate passing move (5, I think) before he curls it past Kirkland. A quality goal from...a possibly under-rated player, but more importantly, the passing was sublime. There was a lovely little back-heel from the Italian guy WH have up front, Di Makelele (?), which really made me sit up- takes a lot to do that these days- and Parker & Noble were involved too. After that, CC got sent off by that idiot youth referee and there were some very nasty tackles flying around, from Parker, Cattermoule & Neill in particular. Quite a tasty game, by the look of it! :clap:
I've only just seen Carlton Cole's goal vs Wigan from Weds night- an intricate passing move (5, I think) before he curls it past Kirkland. A quality goal from...a possibly under-rated player, but more importantly, the passing was sublime. There was a lovely little back-heel from the Italian guy WH have up front, Di Makelele (?), which really made me sit up- takes a lot to do that these days- and Parker & Noble were involved too. After that, CC got sent off by that idiot youth referee and there were some very nasty tackles flying around, from Parker, Cattermoule & Neill in particular. Quite a tasty game, by the look of it! :clap:

Di Michele?

I think you are making a small mistake, Shrimpero - No Wet Spam goal, however apparently "good" is going to make it as goal of the season, nor is ANY Hampster performance worthy of praise on Shrimperzone....


PS - Are you the most Southerly UK Shrimper?
Di Michele?

I think you are making a small mistake, Shrimpero - No Wet Spam goal, however apparently "good" is going to make it as goal of the season, nor is ANY Hampster performance worthy of praise on Shrimperzone....


PS - Are you the most Southerly UK Shrimper?

Amazingly, no, ACU. There is another Bluesman in 'PZ,' who lives due south of me, who I met playing footy here 15 years ago...but having gone:offtopic:on the very thread I started, I guess I am the victim of my own warped socialisation. When I was a wee laddy, England won The World Cup and so I can only blame Kenneth Wolstenholme (RIP) and the BBC for inculcating me with 'false consciousness' about this team not far from our lovely idyll by the sea, which my brothers took me to see when I was at an impressionable age. It was only when we played them in '79, that I knew in my heart of hearts, that there was only one team in Essex...
Amazingly, no, ACU. There is another Bluesman in 'PZ,' who lives due south of me, who I met playing footy here 15 years ago...but having gone:offtopic:on the very thread I started, I guess I am the victim of my own warped socialisation. When I was a wee laddy, England won The World Cup and so I can only blame Kenneth Wolstenholme (RIP) and the BBC for inculcating me with 'false consciousness' about this team not far from our lovely idyll by the sea, which my brothers took me to see when I was at an impressionable age. It was only when we played them in '79, that I knew in my heart of hearts, that there was only one team in Essex...

Hmmm... My brother took me to see West Ham on occasion, but likewise, it became clear in time what course my football supporting life had to take!
The goal of the season BTW surely has to JFC's overhead strike at Peterborough
Invest in BW -you know it makes sense!

Really? Not many on here have much good to say about it... but I have seen JFC's goal & yes, it's a cracker. However, it was the slick passing in the build-up to this particular goal, involving four players making use of those pretty 'triangles' once beloved by Terry Venables, that really impressed me. Have you seen it?
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Really? Not many on here have much good to say about it... but I have seen JFC's goal & yes, it's a cracker. However, it was the slick passing in the build-up to this particular goal, involving four players making use of those pretty 'triangles' once beloved by Terry Venables, that really impressed me. Have you seen it?

There's a lot of moaning about the AUDIO service on matchdays which to be fair is SOMETIMES dire -late commentary link,no commentary,away team commentary only etc but I've not seen much criticsm of the video highlights service or the pre/postmatch interviews with the likes of TillY/Brush +players.
Well worth having despite the occasional aggro IMHO.
Yeah I saw the goal Rob and the sending off!
Wet Spam scored it. It therefore does not count.

Hmm...didn't some England 'fans' say something akin to that about John Barnes' wonder goal v Brazil at The Maracana in '84? Same kind of logic involved when you think about it; beware the dangers of demonising (except Col Ewe, of course!)...
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This goal still looks good when I see it...and is also in the frame for MOTD's goal of the season.
It was the only good piece of football in a match that was stained by nasty tackles and a terrible injury to Collison.
For me my top 3 are as follows:

1. Torres (that volley)
2. Bentley (that other volley)
3. Cole (scumbags team goal, can't enjoy it yet it was bliss)