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Echo News How Southend United can add to their squad if players are injured

Is that accurate -i thought the 'injured' player and the replacement can't be named in the same match day squad not the replacement is deregistered.

Also asks the question on Lomas? Not injured, no available suitable replacement or no money for a replacement
Ron will have to pay a percentage of a players wage when on loan and he wont agree to that. So thats why we are on 15 players without a replacement. Thanks Ron
Why haven't we done so yet? 16 fit players including one crap one is better than 15 fit players
Maybe not for lack of Kev and the others trying but what would tempt any player, who qualified to join SUFC, when there is no guarantee that they would be paid and could possibly suffer an injury?
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These rules are utter garbage in terms of looking after player welfare.
The welfare of the players lies fully and squarely on the shoulders of the club.

No one is asking that a seriously injured player be forced to play, not that I would expect them to any way and ever since football has been around players have played with knocks.

But that’s physical and I personally see more of an issue with the mental stress due to their uncertain futures, doubts if they will be paid, the clear fact they aren’t being treated as professional players and above all the lack of respect shown to them by the clubs senior management

In the season to date just two. Of the games have been played midweek in effect it’s a game every 5 days which isn’t too onerous. It will become more challenging as the season progresses but again I go back to where the blame lies.

If and a big if the club weren’t able to put out 11 then they would have to get the game called off . Yep I know all about the competition and consequences of that happening but none of this is down to the league the rules re embargo have been in place for years and it’s RM actions or lack of actions
Not neccessarily, clubs can loan players out paying the full wage
Your right but football is a small community and RM almost certainly wont be able to call in any favours from other clubs and whilst wages are one thing rarely does a club loaning a player out agree to cover the expenses