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If you were to court a supporter of another team...

I'd like to congratulate the thread starter on getting away with using an old fashioned term without being flamed. Sadly my wife really is not into football either watching me or SUFC. She tolerates it, accepts the fact that it is all I've ever known but awaydays are now a rarity.

I did persuade her years ago on a weekend away in Blackpool (romance has always been a big part of my life) that Grimsby was just down the road. The long drive across the Pennines, particularly on the way back after an abject performance and 1-0 defeat was interesting. She still married me the following year :)
Would have thought that at least if your partner has a shared interest even if it is in a different team to your own, it does at least mean you'll both be wanting to watch the footy on the tv rather than arguing about it as we do, where we are split down the middle, half of us in the pro football camp, and half in the very anti!
I was doinking a Celtic fan once, but she was more enthusiastic about them than I was about Southend. I guess that's not entirely surprising when she had Henrik Larsson and I had eleven charlatans getting tonked by Stevenage in the Cup.

Had the relationship lasted beyond what was, frankly, an underwhelming two weeks for both of us, she'd have had more chance of converting me!

Oh dear. You are confusing championship manager with real life again. No wonder she ditched you.

I think the only time we played Stevenage we tonked them in the LDV. I seem to recall an amusing anecdote about turnstiles for that game - maybe McNasty or Hooly can confirm.
My missus is a orient supporter so se knows nothing abot football. :) But that was because it was forced upon her by her old man. Worse than a arrange marriage i suspect. Fortunately she is seeing the light and even wears my southend shirt to bed sometimes ;) Promised her I will take her to the hall (or Fossets, where ever we are plaing when I get back). The old man has heard of his daughter's betrayl and has told me that the first sprog that pops out of her will be decked out from head to toe in Orient gear.