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Is Metal GAY then????

Metal.... Gay???

  • Total voters
Yep exactly, for one they all sound the same, and seem to lack any real talent, which is a shame because i feel music needs a massive young talented rock band to shake things up a bit.
When you consider what was classed heavy metal in the "early days" and compare it tp todays Metal, it shows how much things have moved on. Apart from maybe Sabbath, the majority of the Heavy Metal bands in the early to mid 70's would just be "rock" today. Sound wise the nearest to early Purple is probably Darkness and I am sure most Metal fans would not admit to liking them.........

The problem is that youth culture has to have a rebellion element to their music, and when Dad has got most of the that has gone before , they have to take it to the next level, hence R&B being taken from its roots and transported into shock lyrics about sex and guns etc, Metal being taken up a warp factor in speed and having "shocking" Lyrics and Indie being exactly the same because basically 1976-1980 took it to its limit. Punk is only taken to rebel against their peers , and intentionally harps back to another era
Metal is utterly gay, it's loved by social misfits, onanists and filthy grebos' with chronic acne.............. ,who incidently like to take it up the harris...!

Why thank you......

Heavy Metal, as well as being gay, is unspeakably sad as well.

Blokes with poodle perms in primark jeans that are too tight. Who also like wearing T shirts with pictures of men in make up and tight leather trousers.

they should all be rounded up and interned.
