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Makes sense to keep him for another year. Can play all across the back and is a good player to have in the squad.
Tremendous news, played superbly this season and will be great to have him and Turner training alongside Kyprianou. Hopefully that's the death knell on Ferdinand's time at Roots Hall.
So important to have someone like White in the squad who is good enough to play anywhere across the back 4.
I can only echo what others have said - great news.

Some were not keen on White being in the back four for the first game of the season ............ and he answered those critics with a great performance .......... and last four games were without a goal against us.

I don't really know how these things work and perhaps this is a little picky but I would like to see the club have an option to keep Whitey on beyond the next season.

And you get the feeling that there is a good professional respect between Powell and White. Good stuff.
Great news !
I hate to be in the minority here but really don’t understand why most use the word ‘squad player’ when referring to JW , as if “well he’s ok but......”.
IMO he would be my first choice
Great news !
I hate to be in the minority here but really don’t understand why most use the word ‘squad player’ when referring to JW , as if “well he’s ok but......”.
IMO he would be my first choice

I agree .......... plus I don't think S.U.F.C. can afford to have "squad players" - either they are good enough to be competing for or in a first team place or they are not. If they are not then we should let them continue their career at another club.
Fantastic news, thoroughly deserved. Now I hope they negotiate an improved contract offer early on!