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Live Roots Hall Ticket Sales

Club reporting 5k+ sold for the Moors game while the counter showing 4.5k sold. Can someone please explain why the difference?
Club reporting 5k+ sold for the Moors game while the counter showing 4.5k sold. Can someone please explain why the difference?
Comps has been near on 500 at most home games this season… so just add 500 to the counter and that’s the attendance
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Club reporting 5k+ sold for the Moors game while the counter showing 4.5k sold. Can someone please explain why the difference?
I’ve explained it what feels like a million times. Some sections of the East Stand in particular are permanently greyed out on the OS ticket sales website, thus unavailable to our counter to count. Yet these areas (Blue Seats; Exec. Boxes; and Directors Box in the East) account for the difference.
I’ve explained it what feels like a million times. Some sections of the East Stand in particular are permanently greyed out on the OS ticket sales website, thus unavailable to our counter to count. Yet these areas (Blue Seats; Exec. Boxes; and Directors Box in the East) account for the difference.
If I had seen one of your million times I wouldn't have asked. Thank you for your explanation. You can wait for your million+1 enquiry now.
Block K of the South Lower, and block Q of the West are both also greyed out on the OS for Ebbsfleet. Not sure what’s happening with those, but it will further affect the accuracy of the counter. Open blocks will show sales and availability (including when each block fully sells out) so we’ll still have a good idea.
Block K of the South Lower, and block Q of the West are both also greyed out on the OS for Ebbsfleet. Not sure what’s happening with those, but it will further affect the accuracy of the counter. Open blocks will show sales and availability (including when each block fully sells out) so we’ll still have a good idea.
We must be operating under some sort of capacity limit/restrictions.
Block K of the South Lower, and block Q of the West are both also greyed out on the OS for Ebbsfleet. Not sure what’s happening with those, but it will further affect the accuracy of the counter. Open blocks will show sales and availability (including when each block fully sells out) so we’ll still have a good idea.
It is half term so maybe there is a special schools and youths take?
@Spaceman Spiff Reduced capacity because of health and safety? Its an evening game under flood lights.
Another good suggestion, possibly linked to @Smiffy’s suggestion.

I think in the past this has either happened when there’s either a block of guests / freebies (I think usually local school kids or Southend youth league football players) or some kind of issue cited on the ground safety certificate. It’s got to be something akin to one of those IMO.

The only thing that is a bit of a head scratcher is that we’ve had midweek league games this season without these blocks being unavailable. If it was a safety / capacity thing, you’d think it would apply equally to all fixtures.
Another good suggestion, possibly linked to @Smiffy’s suggestion.

I think in the past this has either happened when there’s either a block of guests / freebies (I think usually local school kids or Southend youth league football players) or some kind of issue cited on the ground safety certificate. It’s got to be something akin to one of those IMO.

The only thing that is a bit of a head scratcher is that we’ve had midweek league games this season without these blocks being unavailable. If it was a safety / capacity thing, you’d think it would apply equally to all fixtures.
I went to the ticket office today as I wish to purchase two tickets for specific seats for the home match on 6 January. The problem is these tickets are not yet on sale so it is necessary to wait until they are released on a date to be announced. The danger is I might miss out which would be a shame as my granddaughter and her friend wish to come and I am aware that these two seats next to my seat are available on a match to match basis. Shame there is no system whereby seats cannot reserved ahead of schedule