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Messages of support for Kimura

My father was born in Leigh-on-Sea and his father supported Queens Park Rangers, Rodney Marsh era, and yet my father started to attend Southend games with his mates and from a young age Southend became his number one. He’s 82!!
He took me to my first game when I was 6. I was there when we had 30 thousand plus against Liverpool and followed Southend since that young age.
I live in Peterborough and have been a season ticket holder for many seasons. I am 53!!
I took my so. When he was 5! Best experience for all 3 generations was the final when Piggot scored with 20 seconds on the clock. Man Southend fans exploded! Once again more than 30k!
My son now is 24!!

That’s 3 generations all still alive supporting SUFC.

That’s 3 season tickets that would be bought as soon as ownership changes. I can’t see anyway forward if you guys don’t purchase the club so please do all you can to make this a reality
To Simon and Kris

Weve hit rock bottom, we cant go any lower. We are a big and passionate fan base who travel home and away in big numbers, if not the biggest in this league.

Ron has taken us to the bottom of hell. Please help turn this club of ours round.

We are desperate, demoralised, depressed (not a word i use lightly) and heart broken. We are a family club with blue running through our veins. We dont support the club for glory, we support it because its a huge part of our lives and generations before us.

Take us over, give us our club back and just watch it flourish and take off. You will never be able to undertsand what it means to us until you become a part of it

Is there a retweet button, lol. Brilliant
What you see now is fans vs owner and has been for 10+ years more or less, yet we still get 6'500 to 7'000 at home games in non league after 3 successive relegations and awful ownership.

Imagine what they would be if we were all pulling in the same direction. The fans of this club want to work with an owner that manages us correctly, makes us sustainable. We are not expecting money thrown at us to buy success. We want to earn it through shrewd, sustainable management. Us fans want to help the club grow and prosper with the correct ownership in place. There are a lot of skilled and talented people amonst our fanbase that would do much more that buy season tickets, and buy shirts if the owners engage and embrace the fans.
A lot want to help the club now under the current ownership, but understandably are nervious of being taken advantage of and screwed over. We don't want to feather the current owners pockets.

Under new ownership, I can see crowds nudging 9 - 10k quite quickly in NL and an opportunity to attract and retain new fans quite easily going forward. Get us back to the EFL and new stadium and I think we could really capitalise on the rebuilding of the club league status, stature and reputation.
As Del once said, 'You know it makes sense'
That is a cracking post and says it all for me to the Kimura Boys.
Like Jasrod above, Southend is in my blood. My Grandfather (who sadly passed in 2006) was a lifelong fan, having started watching games at the Kursal, then the Greyhound Stadium and finally Roots Hall.
I never realised how much he loved the club until I took him to Cardiff and he recounted old Southend United stories of days gone bye.

This club needs to be saved not just for us, but for those past and future too.
Hi Kimura Guys.
Hopefully, you are on the brink of assuming the stewardship of a combined tally of centuries of love, pride, tears and memories, both great and sour. You will be heroes to thousands.
Hello Kimura chaps
I’m in a right fix at the moment because I told my grandson that the Shrimpers are the greatest club in the world and he is now starting to look at me with disbelief just like when I grandad dance, help me out and buy the club before he buggers off to Stratford.
Come on Kris !!

We the supporters, the city, the staff, the players, the local businessess all need our club to survive and we know that it is only you that can achieve this, preserving our legacy and building an even better legacy.

It must be nightmare trying to deal with Ron Martin so we can all understand your frustrations but hope and pray that you can make all of our dreams come to fruition.
To Simon and Kris

Weve hit rock bottom, we cant go any lower. We are a big and passionate fan base who travel home and away in big numbers, if not the biggest in this league.

Ron has taken us to the bottom of hell. Please help turn this club of ours round.

We are desperate, demoralised, depressed (not a word i use lightly) and heart broken. We are a family club with blue running through our veins. We dont support the club for glory, we support it because its a huge part of our lives and generations before us.

Take us over, give us our club back and just watch it flourish and take off. You will never be able to undertsand what it means to us until you become a part of it

Honestly, it CAN get lower...
Boys how many other clubs have a 100 percent win record against Man United....you know it makes sense.

You will have the thanks of thousands of fans, a team with real potential to grow and go places.
Of course we don’t want that.

What we want is a complete and clean break from RM. Too much has gone on for him to remain in any capacity, official or otherwise.

We need new owners. We don’t need owners to throw money at the playing side and hope it works, like Chelsea, we don’t need oil money like Man City, we don’t need Newcastle money.

We need owners who keep us out of the front pages of newspapers and firmly on the back page. That pay HMRC, staff, supplies, contractors, whoever the money they are owned. We want them to provide a competitive, not necessarily the biggest, budget for the football department. We don’t need to be coming up to nearly a year under an embargo.

We need burnt bridges repaired, we need trust built, we need to tap into the massive potential this Club has.

We have companies who will be phoning us, not the other way around, to sponsor in different capacities when RM goes. We have Clubs/agents who would be prepared to take our calls.

We have suppliers who would do work for us again. We have sides who would play us again. We have supporters who would return.

All of this would come about buy RM leaving SUFC. Let him make his money through the sale, even if he makes money through the sale of Roots Hall/FF. We can’t have him as a landlord, especially in FF.

This Club has the potential to be great. We have so much going for us. We have players who are waiting for this to be sorted and sign for us. We have an excellent footballing department, with contacts and expertises from the highest level in the game, to grass roots.

We need to become sustainable. Yes, we might post losses, even big losses for the first few years like Wrexham. Hopefully we don’t have to rely on selling a youth team prospect, a cup run, or a star to balance the books.

8,000 against Bromley season before last on a Tuesday night, 8,000 against Wealdstone in what was effectively a dead rubber. That could become the norm under new owners, even at this level.

If the potential new owners are reading this, ultimately, we NEED YOU to unlock this massive potential. You’d be kings and queens in this part of the country. You wouldn’t have to buy a beer, or a G & T in Southend and the surrounding areas.

RM is extremely difficult to deal with, and I imagine the goal posts have been moved on more than one occasion, but please, please see the bigger picture. Due diligence will unravel lots, hopefully nothing too huge, but please, we are desperate for good times. We deserve it. You’d have massive backing.

This is what I posted in the SUFC for sale thread a week or two back, and still rings true.

So, Simon & Kriss, I hope you get a chance to read this. Read it again, and read it a third time.

You guys, and your acquisition of the Club, have the chance to make Southend United great again, and give us a Club to be proud of, and although as a fan base we disagree on pretty much everything, this is something we all want and we can all be proud of.
I’m sure you know how much this club means to us fans . We’ve had some lows and high but this club is in our blood and affects our day to day life. If you take us over you’ll not just lift the spirit of the Southend United fans but lift the spirits of the whole city.
Get this deal done and you’ll forever be remembered. Whatever happens , thank you for trying as we know how hard Ron is to deal with.
Just remember once you’re a shrimper you’ll always be one. Keep fighting for us and let’s hope for some positive news soon
Simon, Kris.

Dont forget that SUFC took near on 2000 away surporters down to Dover FC when we was in the bottom half of league 5 and nothing to play for.

Our potential is massive.

And with the Airport in our city you will get more and more surporters off other European clubs coming over for the weekend to watch the SUFC.
End of last season we had some Dutch in block W, and was it Milan surporters in the north quite a few years back.

And also, come and stick your faces into block W, if you want to hear the passion.
Sure you will be made welcome.
Chaps, please get Martin out of there for us. This club needs new owners, every shrimper hates what we have become, tax swindling and knocking suppliers and not paying the staff at the club is despicable to us.
I've not been a season ticket holder since Ron Martin stopped paying Steve Tilson's team, 2009 or 10 was it ? I'm ready to buy again, so is my son and his mates, just as soon as a new owner comes in. If youve done your homework, you'll realise there are quite a few like me that wont give Martin season ticket money.

Its a fantastic club full of great people, knowledgable fans that are true diehards and follow SUFC anywhere. I recall a playoff leg up at Doncaster was it about 10-15yrs ago, lost 5-1 but the 2k Southend fans were applauded on the pitch at full time by the Donny fans as we never stopped supporting our club all game. Watch it on Youtube.

That's what youre buying into, absolute passionate fans with huge desire. Think Wrexham then double it. I look forward to welcoming you guys.
We ain't cockneys, we're Southenders.