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Micky Stead

Mar 6, 2004
Suffolk 'em all
We have just spoken to Micky Stead's wife Tracey who informs us that Micky (341 apps 1978-85) has had a serious operation on a blood clot in his leg. After two weeks he is now out of ICU and is very poorly, but making slow progress. If you would like to pass on a message to Micky please put it on this thread - all messages by 6pm this Sunday will be passed on to Tracey to read out to our former full back hero.💙

Get Well Micky.jpg
I remember speaking with him after an away trip to Torquay, I think. We shared a train journey back to London, a really nice guy and a very decent player so I'm hoping he will get through this crap, carry on and live a good life. Be well Micky.
Happy memories of Micky's great defensive displays in the Dave Smith era and beyond - I hope he makes a full recovery.
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Speedy recovery Micky. Didn’t have the privilege of watching you pull on the shirt but 300+ appearances is incredible. A great Shrimper. All the best.
Years ago I used to have hay fever injections every Saturday morning between late Jan and early March in the hope it would reduce my very severe symptoms in the summer. I also had to wait in the waiting room for about half an hour after each injection just in case of a reaction.

One Saturday morning, after a Friday night match, I came out of the surgery having had my injection only to find myself sitting face to face with Micky Stead. I was probably not even a teenager at that time, and I think from my reaction it was pretty obvious that I was a massive SUFC fan, and a fan of Micky's in particular! I sat there completely tongue tied for about 20 minutes until he was called in! I can't believe I never asked for his autograph.

Please pass on my best wishes to him and his family.
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We have just spoken to Micky Stead's wife Tracey who informs us that Micky (341 apps 1978-85) has had a serious operation on a blood clot in his leg. After two weeks he is now out of ICU and is very poorly, but making slow progress. If you would like to pass on a message to Micky please put it on this thread - all messages by 6pm this Sunday will be passed on to Tracey to read out to our former full back hero.💙

View attachment 31948
Get well soon Micky!
87 heartfelt messages of support for Micky from various social media platforms to date. Thank you. If you'd like to add yours by 6pm today before they get sent to Micky's wife to read out to him please do. Every message will be passed on and I'm sure they will all be a huge boost to Micky and his family