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Breaking News Mooney - Contract Terminated

Personally I am pleased he stayed through all the s#!t of the last 12 months but going forward I never felt he was part of the squad or as committed as the rest of the players.

Good luck Dan, thanks for your loyalty and we move on šŸ’™
Ultimately, this has been done for the good of the dressing room.

A few months ago according to the Evening Echo he was good for the dressing roomā€¦ā€œDanā€™s a great part of the group and the lads love him,ā€ said Maher.

So looks like he was happy to be here until quite recently then?!
A few months ago according to the Evening Echo he was good for the dressing roomā€¦ā€œDanā€™s a great part of the group and the lads love him,ā€ said Maher.

So looks like he was happy to be here until quite recently then?!

He has been unhappy for a while.

Dan was a popular member of the dressing room, and the lads do/did love him.

However, when youā€™ve got everyone pulling in one direction, and one who isnā€™t anymore, then the group is more important than one person.

Similar to Lopata, he was an incredibly popular member of the dressing room too.
A few months ago according to the Evening Echo he was good for the dressing roomā€¦ā€œDanā€™s a great part of the group and the lads love him,ā€ said Maher.

So looks like he was happy to be here until quite recently then?!
Or maybe we have a manger that unlike former managers, likes to conduct himself with grace integrity. Maybe he is trying to protect the perception of the club and how it deals with player welfare. With having 12-13 players for some matches, is Maher really going to say, "He's a bad egg and causing issues." I think Maher is trying to protect the player, club and squad with not throwing him under the bus like other managers would.
He has been unhappy for a while.

Dan was a popular member of the dressing room, and the lads do/did love him.

However, when youā€™ve got everyone pulling in one direction, and one who isnā€™t anymore, then the group is more important than one person.

Similar to Lopata, he was an incredibly popular member of the dressing room too.

Yes, fair comment.
Or maybe we have a manger that unlike former managers, likes to conduct himself with grace integrity. Maybe he is trying to protect the perception of the club and how it deals with player welfare. With having 12-13 players for some matches, is Maher really going to say, "He's a bad egg and causing issues." I think Maher is trying to protect the player, club and squad with not throwing him under the bus like other managers would.

Again, very fair comment.
I am late to the party with this and expect Iā€™m repeating what everyone else has said.

Thought it was a massive coup when we signed him, signing a player who was exceptional when playing against us the previous season. A real statement of intent and probably the most excited Iā€™ve been about a player in a long time.

Glimpses in the early games showed what a player we had but then it just tailed off. You can see the talent is there but maybe he just donā€™t fit into the Southend United way. It does happen often with us where a player comes in and just doesnā€™t suit our style of play and then goes off elsewhere and does well.

I wish him all the best, obviously not when heā€™s playing against us though.
Kevin Maher is no Mother Teresa, if you're not pulling your weight or working for the team, I imagine he's extremely cut throat and will simply turn his attention to players who deserve it

I'm not saying Dan did those things, but there is only so much you can help a player when it's not working
The point is that before that cut throat moment, Kev and the others would have done their best to win him round.
This is a league where mental strength can be as important as the physical kind.
We have to assume none of the three succeeded and he really disliked being here.
He's a winger. We don't play wingers so either we intended to play a system that included wingers and that changed or we believed we could convert him to play in a different system. 433 or 343 perhaps.

He needs to go somewhere where they play wingers, that's his bag, and I suspect he will be successful. A rare square peg for a round hole on recruitment.
I never got the impression he really wanted to adapt either.
Others like Taylor, Ralph and even Bridge the other week have been asked to play less comfortable roles.
They appear to have given it their best shot, and in any case, a decent footballer with a positive mindset can make a go of it even in adverse conditions.

Mooney was in Starbucks with Gus, Cav, Cards, and Brooklyn

Looked like a goodbye lunch or something

I hope there isn't some form of click going on there as based on Maher's reaction, Mooney really wasn't a team player

Mooney was in Starbucks with Gus, Cav, Cards, and Brooklyn

Looked like a goodbye lunch or something

I hope there isn't some form of click going on there as based on Maher's reaction, Mooney really wasn't a team player

Mooney, like all the lads, was/is well liked by everyone. All of the lads get on extremely well.

Mooney was a team player, but didnā€™t want to be here anymore. There isnā€™t anything more to it than that really.

Few dressing room arguments and spats, part and parcel of the sport, but nothing that is going to form cliques or fractions with the others.
Iā€™m torn on this personally.

When he arrived, he was our ā€œwowā€ signing. Young player of the year for the league, a winger with genuine output. Goals and assists and we beat Football League clubs for his signature.

He started that pre-season well, looked to be a dead ball specialist, would run at players and create.

However, he started to pick up injuries, knocks and niggles, and a bad injury against his former club too.

He never was played in his best position, that didnā€™t really fit our system once Kev settled on a back three with wingbacks. Think heā€™d have excelled one side of Cards with Bridge on the other in a front three. But Kev moved away from that system.

He has had issues off the field, which I wonā€™t go into, and never really settled down in this part of the country. He went down the same route as Lopata with the legal things, and his case got postponed and eventually was talked out of it. He is in a different part of the country, at a basket case of a club, been paid late, pre-season was disturbed, lack of water at Boots and Laces etc etc. he is a young lad and itā€™s been hard, like it has for all of the squad.

I mentioned numerous times that he (and Lomas which Iā€™ve been told I was wrong on) wanted out. Transfer requests have gone in, contact with other Clubs has happened to, including his former club.

Ultimately, we never saw the best of Mooney. He is an undoubtedly talented player, and will be a success elsewhere, and itā€™s a shame it never happened for us.

I struggle to knock anyone thatā€™s been with us through all this. All of them have been incredible and will hold a special place in my heart, like Grant last time around. I wish him well in the future, but this has been on the cards for a while. Hopefully we catch the National League on a good day and we can bring in a replacement as we are really at the bare bones..

Ultimately, this has been done for the good of the dressing room.

So did Lomas put in a transfer request or not? Apologies, I'm not sure reading that?

I very much hope not and that he's going to be fit to play sooner rather than later.

Mooney was in Starbucks with Gus, Cav, Cards, and Brooklyn

Looked like a goodbye lunch or something

I hope there isn't some form of click going on there as based on Maher's reaction, Mooney really wasn't a team player

Cav normally stays at Mooney's flat, going home to the South Coast as and when. Obviously that's been a lot more often since his injury.

Mooney was in Starbucks with Gus, Cav, Cards, and Brooklyn

Looked like a goodbye lunch or something

I hope there isn't some form of click going on there as based on Maher's reaction, Mooney really wasn't a team player
I wouldnā€™t read too much into that - they often all go around together
Sorry to bring this thread up again, itā€™s a bit old news now, but Iā€™ve written an analysis of why I donā€™t think it worked out for Mooney during his time here:


Mooney was in Starbucks with Gus, Cav, Cards, and Brooklyn

Looked like a goodbye lunch or something

I hope there isn't some form of click going on there as based on Maher's reaction, Mooney really wasn't a team player
These guys must have money to burn if they are eating in Starbucks.