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Police commissioner elections.

Mad Cyril

The Fresh Prince of Belfairs⭐⭐
I voted in Benfleet at 8:35 this morning and was the third voter since 7am.

I suspect a combination of voter apathy and candidates from 'fringe' parties such us UKIP and English Democrats could throw up a few surprises.
Aside from the Tory candidate info I've received nothing else from any candidates or any info about what the Police Commissioner can do. For the first time since I could vote I won't even be bothering to go to the polling station.

Unless there's a candidate whose surname is 'Gordon'.
We have only heard from the Torys but in my area that is not uncommon. We did a postal vote as its so much easier than having to go into the polling booth in person and talk to some doddring old girl in the voting hall.

I think I acutally voted naked in fact as I was about to go into the shower when the wife handed me the form.
Ironically the English Democrat candidate - who is quite frankly, a nutter - is campaigning to take the PC out of policing.
He permanently wears a Tim Brooke-Taylor style St. George Cross waistcoat, topped off with a Jimmy Hill-esque St. George Cross bow-tie.
Ironically the English Democrat candidate - who is quite frankly, a nutter - is campaigning to take the PC out of policing.

And apparently flying the flag of St George at every police station & using them to promote St George's day will help reduce crime & be an effective use of police resources at a time of police budget cuts. Which he's against. The moron.
No one campaigned around our way and have no idea who the candidates are so if they can't be bothered to say what they stand for then I'm not voting.
Total farce, whats its all about (Alfie?). If it aint broke, dont fix it?. What difference is expected by introducing this for the first time? Personally, i hav'nt got a clue.
It's a vote for a fall guy. Hard to see how they can improve things with all the cuts going on. I voted, but only to try and stop the Tories getting in. My girlfriend then followed me out and cheerfully announced she voted Tory. Can't bloody win can you.