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Rolling Stones Tickets

In the forlorn hope that someone out there might have a couple of tickets (or three or more .....) for the O2 gigs next month going spare or know someone who could help do please please let me know.

Never got thro' on the website and was all sold out in a blink.

Never seen them live but it's one of those things I'd just love to do.

Don't expect anyone could help, but you never know........... :guitar:

I saw them in 98 at Wembley and they were pretty excellent.

They put on a great show at Twickenham in 2006.

Coincidentally, 'Brown Sugar' was the last song I listened to in the car before pulling in to work. I'm ready for anything this day can throw at me now.
They put on a great show at Twickenham in 2006.

Coincidentally, 'Brown Sugar' was the last song I listened to in the car before pulling in to work. I'm ready for anything this day can throw at me now.

When the Stones played Brown Sugar at Wembley my sister thought they were singing Bachelor. I still rib her about it now.

Slightly (hugely) off topic...I was doing the lighting in my local theatre last Friday night for a friend of mine who was doing a piano concert.

The theatre are very helpful in that they lay on a professional who works there to help out. Him and I got talking. He told me a great story of how he was asked to do the sound for a show in London and would he be available on a specific weekend. He was, and was given the job.

He wasn't told who/what he was doing the sound for, and even when he checked in to the suite at the Dorchester in London that had been laid on for him he still wasn't told who this was for.

About 2 hours before the show, he turned up at the venue (still not knowing who this was for) and was met by the band. It was Ronnie Wood, Mick Hucknall, Bill Wyman and a couple of others I can't remember. He said it was very surreal sound checking them and then partying with them afterwards.

Interestingly he said Ronnie Wood was a really nice guy and had time for everyone, whereas Bill Wyman was a moody ******* and wouldn't even let anyone take a picture of him. He also left straight after the gig.

He also said the sound was ruined by Ronnie Wood who refused to turn his amps down, to the extent that he was drowning out even the drums!
Saw them about 6 or 7 years ago at Don Valley, I really enjoyed it but that was with my mind set on it potentially being disappointing as they are clearly past their best. Jagger is still a great showman though. He has moves apparently.

One of two I wanted to tick off the list. Missed out on Zeppelin though, looks like the concert movie is as close as I'll ever get to them :thumbdown:
£15K (£400+ in the "cheap seats") to sit in the front seats to watch 70 year olds bop around? **** off Jagger, Richards et al you jokers. :finger:
Bought two tickets on Friday, and sold on Ebay for a tidy profit... thats the missus xmas present paid for!
How ironic is it that I put on my Ipod and it's "Let Spend the Night Together" by the Stones.

No Mick, I won't I'm not a ****ing millionaire you big lipped ****.
Interestingly he said Ronnie Wood was a really nice guy and had time for everyone, whereas Bill Wyman was a moody ******* and wouldn't even let anyone take a picture of him. He also left straight after the gig.

Ronnie Wood was on the Danny Baker Show a while back and came across as a really top bloke.
Ronnie Wood story told to me as follows:

Friend of a friend's brother in law had some sort of connection with the Stones and he asked said person if he wanted to come and see them play and meet them back stage. He did. Apparently the rest of the Stones were quiite stand offish but the chap who had the connection with the band got on with Ronnie really well. Ronnie was very friendly and showed them all around the back stage, where they noticed a full sized, championship standard snooker table. As you may all know Ronnie is a snooker fan (mate of Ronnie O'Sullivant) and he said that this table travelled with him on tour all round the world! He then grinned at the chaps and said "do you know why I do this?" There was a pause. "Because I can!"
Ronnie Wood story told to me as follows:

Friend of a friend's brother in law had some sort of connection with the Stones and he asked said person if he wanted to come and see them play and meet them back stage. He did. Apparently the rest of the Stones were quiite stand offish but the chap who had the connection with the band got on with Ronnie really well. Ronnie was very friendly and showed them all around the back stage, where they noticed a full sized, championship standard snooker table. As you may all know Ronnie is a snooker fan (mate of Ronnie O'Sullivant) and he said that this table travelled with him on tour all round the world! He then grinned at the chaps and said "do you know why I do this?" There was a pause. "Because I can!"

Indeed. In my story above I left out the bit about Ronnie O'Sullivan being at the after show party, and what they were using the snooker world championsip trophy for.