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ashingdon shrimper

Youth Team
Nov 3, 2007
Paul sturrock wants the fans to stop moaning about bad performances and get behind the team no matter what, so don't you think it is about time that Ron Martin spoke up and told us the truth, no matter how bad or good that it is. Us fans can then help and get behind the team through whatever the performance with the knowledge that we are all working together. A happy ship is a stable ship. Sturrock is right we need to cheer on the team but there is a missing link and his name is Ron. Views?
Would anyone believe it? Whatever he says will be called spin, lies or bullsh*t.

I remember a saying someone told me -

"Never explain. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway."
Problem is, whatever he says half the posters on here wont believe a word of it and it will cause another RM bashing merry-go-round.
To be fair to RM, he's not had much time for blogs lately, christmas won't steal itself you know.
Problem is, whatever he says half the posters on here wont believe a word of it and it will cause another RM bashing merry-go-round.
I'm up for that:thump:

Blues won't go anywhere until RM has gone. RM won't go anywhere until he gets his thirty pieces of silver.
It's too complacent to say that nobody will believe what Martin says. If he made some sort of statement it would show that the club is at least trying to keep contact with the fans (its paying customers). Just a short statement on the situation with the new stadium and also the facts surrounding Widdringtons departure, was it RM's decision, the managers, or did he walk?
Just saying no one will believe him is not an answer, he probably reads this site or gets someone to give him feedback and it will suit him to read remarks such as "no-one will believe him anyway" That just gives him another excuse to keep his mouth shut.
Lets be honest his track record isn't very good is it ! And the trouble is he has portrayed people like HMRC and his own players as 'the enemy' for simply wanting to be paid what they are due.

Ron's is definitely coming to the end of his tenure here and simply hanging on in the hope the deal on the new ground will rescue the rest of his ailing empire. We have always been told that his other ventures have continually rescued SUFC from oblivion. It will be wonderfully ironic if ultimately SUFC saves them !
If what he had to say would in no way harm SUFC then I agree with you, but I fear telling the truth would harm the club
Would anyone believe it? Whatever he says will be called spin, lies or bullsh*t.

I remember a saying someone told me -

"Never explain. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway."

Do you also remember the boy who cried wolf........except Martin hasnt seen the wolf yet
He has to come clean soon .The gates are sinking ,and a large number will not come back until they know where the club is going.Oh and of course it might help when the season ticket renewals come up again!!
He has to come clean soon .The gates are sinking ,and a large number will not come back until they know where the club is going.Oh and of course it might help when the season ticket renewals come up again!!

Probably mid-March for Season Ticket renewals so only 2 months time, I can't see RM saying much until either work on the stadium starts or if we have to re-apply for planning permission. We have approx 3,500 Season Ticket holders I can easily see that number dropping to the 2,000 mark next season.
Probably mid-March for Season Ticket renewals so only 2 months time, I can't see RM saying much until either work on the stadium starts or if we have to re-apply for planning permission. We have approx 3,500 Season Ticket holders I can easily see that number dropping to the 2,000 mark next season.
If 3500 season ticket holders have stuck by the club, I can't see almost half cancelling because Ron isn't posting blogs, and the football isn't awful, its nowhere near as bad as last season, at least we know we can equalise this season