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Question Season Tickets for next year - any news?

Doesn't affect me as I am 70 next birthday. The age of 60 is very generous and I was more than happy to accept the concession at 60. Wouldn't hurt if the concession age was raised slowly, say a year at a time until 65. That way no one would have their concession suddenly withdrawn. More people are having to work until later in life, so hopefully would understand.
Defo don’t want to “do a Spurs” and “ phase out “ the senior concessions! Think they claimed it was “unsustainable” to keep running the club offering them to over 65 which is a scandalous claim. 🤨
Will be interesting to see how many more season tickets are purchased by those that were boycotting.
How many have we sold this season?
Personally I would rather see families get more of a discount than over 60’s.

I say that as someone who will be 60 this year. Most people my age have far more cash than they ever did as a family man…. Even after their expensive divorce or two….. Sometimes three.

Yes you are right rigsby, Colchester offer free seats to kids under 11 in the family area, but the adult prices mean that lots of families especially if mum and dad want to attend are still way too much.
Personally I would rather see families get more of a discount than over 60’s.

I say that as someone who will be 60 this year. Most people my age have far more cash than they ever did as a family man…. Even after their expensive divorce or two….. Sometimes three.
LoL i can laugh about it now no honestly I can ! its ok just about if you managed to keep any/ all your pension I'd generally agree, but more recently re housing I would suggest is tough now. On the subject of taking families to a game , I remember back pre premier league it was dearer for a family of 4 to see Southend than a London team! So it's a blues bargain now.
Hasn't worked out like that for me.

Clearly I got it wrong somewhere.

What about a loyalty discount for someone who has had a season ticket for 40-plus years?
Sorry to hear that, loyalty OK but when I was working a season card did not really work for me and id guess for many others too. as I'd miss to many games due to work commitments ! Some sort of loyalty scheme though based on say club membership and going forward the free games for guests could only be to those who join as members a small annual fee for all supporters in exchange for occasional discounts and benefits.
Still no news. With the sale unlikely from what we are told to go through for a few weeks, it’s going to be well after the end of the season.