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Semi Final 2

Who is the Best Song Writer

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  • Poll closed .


Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
The second Semi-Final to see who goes up against Jagger/Richards in The Final is between,

John Lennon - Canveyshrimper. v William 'Smokey' Robinson - Uncle Leo
I can't post you tube from work, so will be back later with a few examples of John Winston (Ono) Lennon's writings both with the Beatles and also as a solo artist.

As has been said before the influence that Lennon has had over artists from the early 60's up to the present day has been amazing. The Beatles were probably the most influential band of their generation and probably one of the most influential of all time.

And much of Lennon's writing as a solo artist were brilliant, admittedly some of his work was facile, particularly some of his anti war stuff and bed peace protests. However Give Peace a Chance was an anthem for a generation who'd seen Vietnam and also were still living through the Cold War.

I'll be back this evening with some videos, in the meantime vote John Lennon into the final.

Thanks all.
There should be no competition here. In 10,000 years when we're in shiny suits and living on Uranus, they'll still be Beatles songs. Can't say the same about any other competitor in this battle.
Nice to see how people seem to forget there were 4 people in the Beatles. Helps if you get shot I suppose.
Nice to see how people seem to forget there were 4 people in the Beatles. Helps if you get shot I suppose.

Indeed, but Lennon is vindicated by the fact that the other three's solo work is pretty shoddy to say the very least. I couldn't imagine Ringo, Macca or even George writing something as sublime as Woman, Imagine or Give Peace A Chance.
Indeed, but Lennon is vindicated by the fact that the other three's solo work is pretty shoddy to say the very least. I couldn't imagine Ringo, Macca or even George writing something as sublime as Woman, Imagine or Give Peace A Chance.
I'd take McCartney's '70s output over Lennon's any day. I know at the time Double Fantasy was seen as something of a return to form, but it's way too MOR for me. I only like the first 2 JL solo records.
I'd take McCartney's '70s output over Lennon's any day. I know at the time Double Fantasy was seen as something of a return to form, but it's way too MOR for me. I only like the first 2 JL solo records.

Seriously? Band On The Run, Mull of Kintyre, Pipes of Peace? :stunned:
Seriously? Band On The Run, Mull of Kintyre, Pipes of Peace? :stunned:
Yep, seriously. 'McCartney 1' and 'Ram' are particularly great, 'Band on the Run' is a superb album, and I really like 'Pipes of Peace' too in a guilty pleasure kind of way. He wrote many classics throughout the 1970s and never disappeard up his own jacksy like JL did.
Yep, seriously. 'McCartney 1' and 'Ram' are particularly great, 'Band on the Run' is a superb album, and I really like 'Pipes of Peace' too in a guilty pleasure kind of way. He wrote many classics throughout the 1970s and never disappeard up his own jacksy like JL did.

I'm not so sure about that Macca's Give Ireland back to the Irish or whatever it was called was tosh. Band on the Run was an excellent album, but we aren't debating McCartney or for tha matter the other Beatles.
:net: surely ?? .. joke or otherwise thats a pretty shameful statement Dras :sad:

JWL is without doubt the greatest songwriter ever to walk the earth and deserves to win this tie and the competition as a whole

Don't see why. You die young and your previous output is then elevated to a much higher level than before as there will be no more, so people covet it more. See Kurt Cobain, TuPac, etc. It's a well known phenomenon surely?

For the record I'm a big Beatles fan, I just don't think you can seperate their material as Lennon & McCartney took joint writing credit on all their work (except ones Harrison or Starr wrote), and although one or the other may have written 90% of any given song the other will have had plenty of input before it got recorded, as will have George Harrison (more than Ringo) as he was lead guitarist and a fine songwriter in his own right. However I'm not really a fan of Lennon's solo stuff, yes there are some songs I like but for the most part it's pretty self indulgent.

Moreover I'd never declare anyone "the greatest songwriter to ever walk the earth" as musical taste is a very personal thing, and it would be virtually impossible to listen to every songwriters work to get a complete picture as there are so many. I don't think anybody can claim to have done that.

Well I think I'm right up against it here, facing off against John Lennon, the so-called 'second Beatle'. But I shall at least try, by posting this wonderful clip again

Indeed, but Lennon is vindicated by the fact that the other three's solo work is pretty shoddy to say the very least. I couldn't imagine Ringo, Macca or even George writing something as sublime as Woman, Imagine or Give Peace A Chance.

Something that Frank Sinatra would have disagreed with.

Frank Sinatra was particularly impressed with "Something", calling it "the greatest love song ever written." (Wikipedia)

I know that George wrote this when he was with The Beatles, but it was his song and not a joint composition.
'All Things Must Pass' is a fine (triple) album and 'Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)' is a fine single. George also wrote a pretty decent tribute to John with 'All Those Years Ago' in 1981.

Echo also what Cricko and Supernaut said about 'Band On The Run' - not heard 'Ram' so can't comment.

Paul - I think that your love of Lennon blinds you to the fact that he wrote some tosh, eg. 'Sometime In New York City' (except for 'Woman Is The ****** Of The World'). I think 'Double Fantasy' is dangerously close to this category too were it not for the excellent 'Watching The Wheels.' Some Lennon fans can be reluctant to acknowledge that George and Paul wrote fine music in their own right, but I know that you're above that. Lecture over.