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Devon Blue

National League Connoisseur
So as far as I have gather from possible unreliable sources (Twitter) Southend have banned 7 people who stand at the front of W because they were near where the smoke bombs got set off. I have also interpreted that some have now been taking of that list of 7 if not all... With a lack of evidence I believe that it would have been the right move not to ban anyone under 'assumption'.
Think it was all down to that photo that they tweeted, the ones that were named were just banned without much of a say. I know one gan got out of the ban due to a video showing him no where near the smoke bomb
Just goes to prove there is no smoke bomb without fired up threads on the subject
So as far as I have gather from possible unreliable sources (Twitter) Southend have banned 7 people who stand at the front of W because they were near where the smoke bombs got set off. I have also interpreted that some have now been taking of that list of 7 if not all... With a lack of evidence I believe that it would have been the right move not to ban anyone under 'assumption'.

No-one will have been banned "because they were near where the smoke bombs got set off"
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh keep it to yourselves but if the club " appear " to be proactive on this then the Football League wont take any further action. By the club blatantly banning those involved ( even if they arent the ones or arent reeeeeally banned ) then the case is closed , we get away with it.

So just take it on the chin , accept this unsavoury incident happened , move on .

Those "banned" -- just be a little bit more savvy in future , and when you go to Roots Hall next season ( best not go tonight ) then just be a little bit better behaved.

See you all at Wembley.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh keep it to yourselves but if the club " appear " to be proactive on this then the Football League wont take any further action. By the club blatantly banning those involved ( even if they arent the ones or arent reeeeeally banned ) then the case is closed , we get away with it.

So just take it on the chin , accept this unsavoury incident happened , move on .

Those "banned" -- just be a little bit more savvy in future , and when you go to Roots Hall next season ( best not go tonight ) then just be a little bit better behaved.

See you all at Wembley.

I tell you what mate, why don't you wear the ban for something you didn't do and take it on the chin missing Wembley?. I cannot believe the club has banned 7 people when they have cctv footage of the incident it is shocking and if I was one of those banned for no reason i would be taking action against the club for slander amongst other things. Seems like bully boy tactics to me against some young boys who don't know the law to well.
Do we know if any of the 'bans' are solely on the basis of the smoke bomb incident ?

I have no idea on who has been banned and what for, but if you look at some of the twitter posts from some of our younger 'Supporters', then there appear to be individuals who take great joy in being blocked by OUR OWN PLAYERS, presumably as a result of less than complimentary comments aimed at the players.

What a great idea that is and of course the Club wouldn't know about those posts would they?

Wow what wonderful supporters they are if that's what they do.
Some people have said that some of the boys in the picture were the same ones causing trouble at Morecambe, perhaps the club have banned some people based on that reasoning, and not for being involved in the Luton smoke bomb. If however these guys are truely innocent (they're obviously going to claim they are) then I can't agree with them being banned.
It's just the club trying to please the FA and other fans by just banning people willy nilly, people who go week in week out whether they do things that maybe are a tad silly should not have to miss the biggest match of the season so far for something they did not do. And as someone else also said they apparently have CCTV (idk how) but of course the club won't show that to us so they can ban who they like without anyone being able to question their actions
Anybody caught throwing smoke bombs should be banned for life. But you cant keep banning on hear say , need video to catch them.not a photo of fans

up the blues 3-1 to smash it

We're about 4 hours ish away from the biggest game of our season, a game that could potentially send us to Wembley to compete for promotion to League One, and some people would rather that we focus on people being banned about an incident that happened a good few weeks ago. Seriously?!

I'm sure whatever's happening with them is being dealt with between the individuals involved and the club, let's focus on the game tonight against Stevenage and let them sort it out without discussing it all over a public forum whilst it is still considered as "rumours".
I love how split this all is.

Anyone reckon the truth is somewhere between the two but either side of the fence doesn't want to accept that maybe just a little bit of their view may be wrong?

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a smoke bomb tonight. Looks good on the live cameras doesn't it?

Off for a cheeky nandos now.