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I also think someone brave will have a smoke bomb and it will be met by a chorus of boo's

Would laugh if there was a pitch invasion however as there will be some comedy falls in this wet weather!
I am not on twitter and so can not see what people are writing . I am old enough to know that what people write and the co complete truth without bias are not always the same thing. An awful lot of opinions been made on assumptions of what has happened and assumptions for the reasons for it happening . No doubt in due course the truth will rise to the surface.
I tell you what mate, why don't you wear the ban for something you didn't do and take it on the chin missing Wembley?. I cannot believe the club has banned 7 people when they have cctv footage of the incident it is shocking and if I was one of those banned for no reason i would be taking action against the club for slander amongst other things. Seems like bully boy tactics to me against some young boys who don't know the law to well.

I can imagine that when all 10,000 of us are given the thorough body search in the pouring rain tonight instead of making our way to our seats that we'll all be shedding a tear for the naughty boys' complete injustice.
I love how split this all is.

Anyone reckon the truth is somewhere between the two.

Almost always is Crawli.


We're about 4 hours ish away from the biggest game of our season, a game that could potentially send us to Wembley to compete for promotion to League One, and some people would rather that we focus on people being banned about an incident that happened a good few weeks ago. Seriously?!

* even deeper sigh *

The great thing about humans is we can have more than one thought at a time. Why don't we just shut down the forum with the exception of just one thread? The wider context here is that some people may not be able to attend this highly important game. If you were one of them, I suspect you'd have much to say, as would I. Let's not get into deciding what people can or can't discuss.
I can imagine that when all 10,000 of us are given the thorough body search in the pouring rain tonight instead of making our way to our seats that we'll all be shedding a tear for the naughty boys' complete injustice.

I'm 100% in agreement with Bazza - anyone of us could be banned for no reason at all JUST because we stood in the same area. Without any proof of wrongdoing the club are on shaky ground - but teenagers have no recourse to legal action do they? Scapegoats spring to mind.
I can imagine that when all 10,000 of us are given the thorough body search in the pouring rain tonight instead of making our way to our seats that we'll all be shedding a tear for the naughty boys' complete injustice.

I hope they have people there tonight who are able to search minors.
I personally hate discussing the game that we have tonight or about any game we have coming up so I'd rather there were threads a bit off topic from the actual game.

P.s. #NoPyroNoPartyWithASideOfCheekyNandos
Tbh many places that an adult/anyone could hide one if they wanted to

If they did that, then they will be jeapordizing a hell of a lot, for both themselves and the loyal fans that go and watch Southend. No true fan, after what has happened recently regarding smoke bombs, would attempt to bring one into the ground
So in short

Some think the bans are wrong and picking on innocent people
Some think they are justified

There are two bodies of people who know the real answers. Firstly the individuals involved. Secondly the club giving out the bans. Until the TRUTH comes out it is almost pointless discussing this any further. I find it hard to believe that the club would randomly just hand out bans just because people are near an area of disturbance. I was at Morecambe and there was a group of young lads causing grief all game down to our right, maybe the have been idenfied for this and other occasions. As i say the two bodies that know, know the truth.

On to tonight, we need to put differences to one side and support the team as one. Show the likes of Colshite how proper football fans support their team. I for one can not take any further disappointment this season and want to be walking up Wembley way next week with my wife and kids. We are SOUTHEND UNITED, WE ARE ONE! Come on you shirmpers
* even deeper sigh *

The great thing about humans is we can have more than one thought at a time. Why don't we just shut down the forum with the exception of just one thread? The wider context here is that some people may not be able to attend this highly important game. If you were one of them, I suspect you'd have much to say, as would I. Let's not get into deciding what people can or can't discuss.

I would hope that we'd all be a little bit more positive on here, with us being 90 mins away from a potential Wembley final. I wouldn't be finding stuff to moan about, can always do that another time, but then again that's only my opinion.

Everyone has an opinion, and they are entitled to it, however I am a little shocked that the first thing I see on a Southend forum before such a big game, is a thread load of people talking about potential bans. I'm sure the people who were being supposedly "banned" for no reason are speaking to the club to get a resolution, and if it was me in their shoes, I wouldn't say a word about it to anyone other than the club until after tonight's game, nor would I really want it plastered all over a public forum by other people who may only know half of the story, personally speaking. We don't even know for sure if anyone has actually definitely been banned yet, as it's all up in the air at the moment. My opinion is let the people accused sort it out with the club themselves.
I can see it, but it has been deleted from twitter.

It just says they are banned for the 2nd leg, that could be because of the smoke bomb or going onto the pitch at Morecambe.