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Southend Phoenix

Sep 8, 2011
South London
I was talking to a bloke at work today about our situation. He said if worst case happens we sit out a season then have a phoenix club. Got me thinking about how likely that is.

hopefully it doesn't come to it, but how far along were/are the preparations in case we get wound up? If we get wound up, is there time for a club to play at some level in 2024/25? If not, 25/26?

Where would they play?

I know East Thurrock have had to go down this route sadly.

Not a thread meant to be about the rights and wrongs, whether it's a good move or any of that. Just purely about the logistics and preparations and whether there would be a team in blue playing in Southend at any level in the next two years.
I just can't.
It seems clear that the consortium will walk soon and southend united will likely be liquidated as rat has made it nigh on impossible to buy the club. At this point I'll never step foot inside a football ground again. 42 years of my life dedicated to it......nothing could replace it. I don't even like football that much anymore, but roots hall....southend united I am it and it is me.
I just can't.
It seems clear that the consortium will walk soon and southend united will likely be liquidated as rat has made it nigh on impossible to buy the club. At this point I'll never step foot inside a football ground again. 42 years of my life dedicated to it......nothing could replace it. I don't even like football that much anymore, but roots hall....southend united I am it and it is me.
I feel exactly the same. If we go bust I’ll have zero interest in football going forward. Supported since 1977, worked at the club, been a ball boy. Lots of memories of attending matches with family members no longer with us. I will harbour a grudge against the Martin family until my final breath of this is the end.
I'd personally rather all Southend fans put their energy in to making sure nothing ever gets built on FF and Roots Hall

Our mission should be to make the Martins go completely bankrupt.

There is no way I could support a phoenix club while the Martins and the council are making millions off of our demise.
Out of interest why not?

Phoenix clubs are born because the original club has gone out of business. Ron Martin would have nothing to do with the new club.

Why would you not support that club coz the owner of the old club is making money? Surely they’re two separate things.

If Ron Martin bought a boozer and you vowed to never drink in there then I’d get that POV. But to boycott a phoenix club because of RM seems bizarre to me.
Out of interest why not?

Phoenix clubs are born because the original club has gone out of business. Ron Martin would have nothing to do with the new club.

Why would you not support that club coz the owner of the old club is making money? Surely they’re two separate things.

If Ron Martin bought a boozer and you vowed to never drink in there then I’d get that POV. But to boycott a phoenix club because of RM seems bizarre to me.
The point he is trying to make is if the club folds Then the council and the Martin clan would make there money Ron matin would sell Fossetts Farm and Roothall for prime building land They win SOUTHEND UNITED lose So any phoenix club would need to ground share maybe outside of Southend
The point he is trying to make is if the club folds Then the council and the Martin clan would make there money Ron matin would sell Fossetts Farm and Roothall for prime building land They win SOUTHEND UNITED lose So any phoenix club would need to ground share maybe outside of Southend
But what’s any of that got to do with the phoenix club? Why punish them with a lack of support coz Ron ended up making money. Surely the whole point of a phoenix club is to give people who like going to watch football in Southend a club to get behind to do that.

If you boycott their games coz of what happened you’re punishing yourself not Ron IMO.
Interestingly, I was in Darlington Tuesday just gone and was speaking to a local builder onsite. The subject came up because I have a Southend badge and shirt in my lorry which he recognised (because we are indeed, massive). He supported the original Darlington for many years, right up until they went out of business.. this despite having a lovely new stadium to show for the money spent etc (though he did say the repayments on the stadium was one of the clubs downfalls). He said he tried to get behind the phoenix club when it formed but it just never felt the same, it wasnt the club he grew up and followed across the country. It was the club he loved and as such stopped going. You could tell just listening to him that he was still hurting from the fact his passion, his football club was no more. On the drive back out of the town, I passed the stadium in question. Even though it now used (not sure if owned by) by the local rugby team, the stadium is already in a state of decay with the white exterior covered in moss and other foliage.

It was a sad reminder at just how close we are from following in the same footsteps. Myself, I’m not sure if I could get behind a phoenix club either but if pushed come to shove, I guess I’d just see what it was like if it were to get to that point.
Yeah that’s the thing, I’m not even sure if I would. I’m from Grays originally and obviously now live in South London. I’ve also got a young family and my boys might get into football and have no connection to Essex other than through me. So I’d probably get some sort of football fix through going to some games with them if they pick a team.

But it won’t be the same. Going to football as a neutral just isn’t the same as you don’t really care who wins. You might favour some teams over others but you’re not gonna go crazy if they get a last minute winner.
Interesting story above about Darlo.

Just to add a little to that ........ I happened to be in the Darlington area so went to see a game because there was an old S.U.F.C. player in the Lincoln (I think) team - this was the old Feethams ground.

This may have been 20 years ago? Not sure.

The man that built the new ground for Darlington had become chairman - he walked onto the pitch pre-match (with his wife) and declared that he was taking Darlo all the way to the top division.

I struggled not to laugh but the crowd absolutely loved it.
Yeah that’s the thing, I’m not even sure if I would. I’m from Grays originally and obviously now live in South London. I’ve also got a young family and my boys might get into football and have no connection to Essex other than through me. So I’d probably get some sort of football fix through going to some games with them if they pick a team.

But it won’t be the same. Going to football as a neutral just isn’t the same as you don’t really care who wins. You might favour some teams over others but you’re not gonna go crazy if they get a last minute winner.

Yes - been in that same position - living in an area where there was another team in walking distance. Turned up for many games for a number of seasons but at the end I still wasn't bothered who won or lost - just wanted to see a good game.

And then to the pub on the way home after the game to check on how Southend United got on.
To me the club is the fans. We are the only constant. I dare say even King Kev supports another club deep down inside. If the current SUFC died, I would certainly support the creation of a pheonix club. Ask Wimbledon fans if it feels any different to them. Look at Macclesfield, getting bigger crowds at steps 6, 5 & 4 of non-league than the old club ever got in their NL or even EFL days. My first choice would of course be for the current club to survive and thrive, but if that option is removed, I'd go on the journey from something like step 7 & see where it can go. Even if half the fan-base were on board with it, you're looking at gates of around 3000 which should in itself ensure a budget that would be a huge advantage probably until you reach NLS level. Plus its amazing what a bit of success can do. Some fans who initially weren't interested would find themselves being drawn back in. Not all I accept. Groundshare with Billericay for a few years on their plastic pitch, I'm sure they'd happily take the rent & the ground is a decent size & easy reach of Southend. Then look at ways of moving back to Southend. Where there's a will there's a way.
Oh goodie! Phoenix talk again.

For what it's worth (which is **** all) zero interest.

I understand the planning of this was pretty advanced last time. As a fan base, how in the loop with this were we all?

I know there were discussions with the FA about which potential level the new club would be placed in. I imagine there have been discussions about new names, who would be on the board and other key details. All on the fans' behalf no less. But i'll reiterate, as fans, how much did we know about the plans?

Appreciate the potential good faith in exploring avenues, but by whom and why?

Worse than the lack of transparency is the thought of even more AI-generated imagery on social media and may I remind you of this monstrosity:

Are proper football clubs putting their badge on things like this?

No from me.

What I think we do need, is the new consortium to provide a deadline. They are well within their rights to do so, I don't think they actively want to write off their current investment, but these are professional business people and I cant imagine they have the time for all this mucking about.
But what’s any of that got to do with the phoenix club? Why punish them with a lack of support coz Ron ended up making money. Surely the whole point of a phoenix club is to give people who like going to watch football in Southend a club to get behind to do that.

If you boycott their games coz of what happened you’re punishing yourself not Ron IMO.
If you do come from Essex I will not travel to watch a phoenix club And I guess I would not be alone If I wanted to watch a club in the lower reaches of football I can watch my home town club