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Southend Phoenix

What would do it (or not do it) for me is playing somewhere else or groundsharing. Yes the fans would be the same, club colours etc but not going to the Hall, which granted has seen much better days - but is home - it would not feel the same, not at all. However .... the idea of starting afresh away from Ron's clutches does appeal in many ways. Let's hope it never comes to this.
If I remember correctly when I started my playing days many many moons ago, there was a club in the Southend Borough Combination called Southend Phoenix, played at Eastwoodbury Lane, as it then was, on the sloping pitch behind the main pitch !
If I remember correctly when I started my playing days many many moons ago, there was a club in the Southend Borough Combination called Southend Phoenix, played at Eastwoodbury Lane, as it then was, on the sloping pitch behind the main pitch !
That was a Saturday league as well if my memory serves me right. Destination Essex Senior League and onto the Olympian and Isthmians !
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this thread was about the preparations and how far along everything is, but fair enough it's gone philosophical. for me, it's about community. if I have to start from a blank slate the questions are what is my local team? Can I walk to the ground? etc
so my team is my team in my community. ironically, I'm a Southend fan but my local team is Peckham Town (for now)
If I remember correctly when I started my playing days many many moons ago, there was a club in the Southend Borough Combination called Southend Phoenix, played at Eastwoodbury Lane, as it then was, on the sloping pitch behind the main pitch !
I used to play for them and ironically Gary Lockett played in goal, think it started as an old police team
It’s an interesting question

To me it might make a difference (both ways) on what exactly we were getting.

If we still had roots hall and we still had the same management team , new owners and kept our players then it would be ‘ buisness as usual’ just a different name.

If we lost roots hall it would be different, if we lost roots hall, players, management team it would be different again.
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Southend Phoenix AFC sounds good to me
If it's Southend Phoenix (not United) does it need to be AFC or can it just be Southend Phoenix FC?

I always thought clubs used AFC so they can use most of their original name with the slightest of changes. CFC seems to be more popular these days.
If it's Southend Phoenix (not United) does it need to be AFC or can it just be Southend Phoenix FC?

I always thought clubs used AFC so they can use most of their original name with the slightest of changes. CFC seems to be more popular these days.
TBH, it could be Southend Phoenix NFC
If it came to it, keep the name as close to the original club as possible. Southend United AFC or similar.