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A real shock downunder after hearing this result. Superb! I thought our pitch would play a significant part as it sounds Wigan were very uncomfortable on it. But great team effort to stop them from ever settling on the ball. Still in shock here!
Another top class display today, completely unrecognisable from the start of the season. So much desire and quality where there was nothing before. Really strong defensively and clinical in front of goal.

Forgotten the opening game of the season against Blackburn, when we though the season was going to be ours from the start?

Two incredible games against first rate opposition, I don't buy all this stuff about Wigan being poor today - I think we just had a game plan that rarely allowed them to settle and get in their stride. There were a few odd flashes from them, but on the whole, I think we got them rattled so badly that we were able to take advantage far more easily than we would have expected to. Also, our players have learnt how to play the pitch - they were sliding, riding and practically surfing on it!

Nick Powell, who absolutely tore us a new one while at Crewe in the Play Offs a few years back was ineffective and was subbed. Will Grigg spent most of the afternoon being passed from Turner's pocket to Anton's. Think he may just about have climbed out by now to enjoy the long drive home.

We've shown other teams in the division that Wigan are not invincible and how to beat them. We need to carry this momentum on into the upcoming games because we do have a team that can beat anyone and we should be afraid of no-one.

It was an absolute pleasure to be at Roots Hall this afternoon and to see a team full of commitment and passion, playing with belief. Phil did assemble a good squad, he just lost the knack of how to get the best out of them, aided by that one bad apple, who drained all the good out of them.

Oxley - 7, didn't have to do much, some wayward kicking but frustrated their players nicely
Demetriou - 7, had his hands full and got over run a few times but stuck with it and got forward more in the 2nd half
Turner - 9, just immense, we've got another Prosser, one who'll put his head, his body on the line
Ferdinand - 8, kept it simple and effective. Both him and Turner put the ball out rather than play it out and get caught - which was the right thing to do against Grigg and Powell. Delighted that he had such a good game - unlucky to get booked in my opinion...and for the mugs who booed him when his name was read out in the team line up - **** off and don't come back
Coker - 7.5, also had his hands full, and was doubling up on Grigg in the 1st half too. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a lucky captain for the first time in ages!
Kightly - 8, worked so hard, we're seeing a totally rejuvenated Michael Kightly and it's a joy to behold!
Yearwood - 8, maturing in every game, annoyed with himself when he made a mistake, it really matters to him
Timlin - 9.5, my MOTM, our midfield general is back! Slight mark down for inadvertently contributing to their goal. Love this guy and take back everything I said earlier in the season about it being a season too far. Played in his right position, he's showing how vital he still is - get him signed up!!!
McLaughlin - 8, the whole midfield quartet were outstanding today, Mac does so much defensive work and is putting in some great tackles as well as getting assists
Cox - 9, worked his socks off, so deserved a goal
Fortune - 7, things didn't work much for him for the first 30 minutes or so but he kept at it and the goal will do him good

Ladapo for Fortune - 7.5, promising
Harrison for Cox - 7.5, ditto, probably should have scored and how good would a 4-1 scoreline have looked?!
McGlashan for Kightly - not on long enough

Officials - got to have a word about Andy Woolmer. Some inconsistencies, but how nice was it to see a ref who didn't allow the ******** from other teams' players?

Wigan. They'll go up this year, don't think there's much doubt about that. I thought Will Grigg was an exemplary professional today, things weren't going right for them, but he was still gentlemanly in his behaviour. Can't say the same about a couple of his team mates though, moaning on and on. Nice to see Noel Hunt who greeted us warmly.

How lovely is it to feel this good after a match? Long may it continue!
just shows how much the players did NOT want to play under the old manager... Ron, better late than never but wished it was earlier than later.

The trouble with Phil Brown was that he wasn't good at losing, he dealt with it in a way that annoyed quite a few of the players I'm told. I should imagine that when we lose a game under Chris Powell, he will deal with it in a much better way.
The other two things is the commitment from the players who believe in their manager, and of course the tactics. The lumping it up to the target man thing rarely happens now. Under PB the ball tended to be hoofed at the earliest opportunity, or played forward, sideways, sideways, back, hoof. Under Chris Powell the ball may go forward, sideways, sideways, but they are looking to play it forward, not back unless absolutely necessary.
As said previously a fully committed performance by the super blues. I was surprised how limited Wigan were - Just happy to try playing it out from the back and then get pounced on by our energetic midfield. It wasn’t until Vaughan came on they went a bit direct.

I think the pitch helped us today & players are getting used to it and adapting their games to deal with it.

That crunching tackle on Powell in the first half showed the mood we were in and he, like a few others for Wigan were passengers .

Today’s match in my opinion was won in centre midfield which we dominated.

Timlin looks like a new player, unbelievable work rate.

Dru looks a real exciting asset

Harrison unlucky not to score, looks like he could be a handful for the next few months.

Keep up the work SCP
Go back a month most on here including myself looked at these past 3 matches ,Scunthorpe , peterborough, wigan, 3 teams challenging for either playoff spot or in wigans part automatic promotion,and i think almost to a man we thought we would have been happy just to get 3 points . 9 points out of 9 am i dreaming if so please let it continue .

Honest assessment from Wigan midfielder Max Power.
Proud to be a shrimper again after today's performance. After 50 years of supporting the blues myself and my son lost interest in watching browns brand of football. Have hardly been this season but came back as soon as Chris'sy got the job. Wow what a difference
We were brilliant, and like sir Chris I think we can be even better. There were times when cox was in great positions but we didn’t play the obvious ball. Additionally fortune needs to take the new boys aside and ask them why they weren’t putting both n the same effort as a 36 year old—— he was immense .

Some were saying this team and these players were not good to be challenging for promotion - the last three games suggest they are

Ps Ryan who ?:smile:
Paul Cook seems to have lost his voice or is doing his best Sean Dyche impression

Cook: "We were second best"

Well done Paul Cook and the Wigan fans. He was getting rattled in the first half as they struggled to get into the game on a pitch that clearly doesn't suit them trying to use attacking full backs with a kind of 3 at the back. That said we got it spot on with turning their big lads with some no nonsense percentage balls, especially down our right.

A couple of shocking decisions went our way with throws. The best one was when the standard scared of his own shadow assistant in front of the East dithered and Cox just pointed for him, so he gave it to us. Cook was fuming but fair play he joined in with East stand and in the second half really applauded MAF when he came off. He clearly knew not only was it a moment of quality but how important that second goal was to us. Good to see from Mr Cook, even if he sounds like a cross between Lily Savage with a soar throat and a scouse Dalek.

Had a chat with some Wigan fans as we were leaving and they did mention the late penalty shout they had but said they didn't turn up. Not sure that's true, it was more a case of our lads not only turning up but putting in a performance that they owe to themselves as much as the rest of us.

Big shout to all those Shrimpers who came along today. We weren't just making up the numbers, we really were the 12th man. Enjoy your Sunday, keep an ear out for those that make the trip on Tuesday and make sure you all turn up next Saturday. Pompey will have good support and we need to match that because CP and the lads not only deserve our support they have more than earned it.
Being the only home winners in the Division today can't have done any harm.

Barnsley were about 13 points off the playoffs, but that was in December and January. We were 15 points away on the 20th of January, now it is nine currently. But in reality it is either 10 if everything goes our way with added games, or six if they go our way.

To me, I think nothing can be said of it until the end of this week.

Take six points from the next two, anything is possible. We need about 30 from 15 games, so at least 10 wins from here. Tough task.
Two very honest and fair interviews from a hoarse Paul Cook and the impressive midfielder Max Power - most unusual to hear after a defeat that must have hurt them, and no whinging about the "penalty" either (I'd have been furious if we were denied a penalty in a similar situation). So well done Wigan and I hope you go up as champions.