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Standing in the Gangways

Maldon Shrimper

First XI⭐
As at Barnet and again on Saturday at Chesterfield there is group of supporters who are standing in the gangways causing those of us who have a seat to stand because our views are being obscured.Please remember not everyone can stand due to various reasons so please be fair and understand this and don't be selfish.Afterall we are all in attendance for one reason all that is to support our football club.
The atmosphere was electric on Saturday generated by everyone not a selected few.

Thankyou for your consideration
Agree with you, but isn’t it down to the stewards to manage ( keep gangways clear in case of evacuation/ emergency
Plus of course those sitting ( standing) in their seats giving due consideration to fellow fans
Agree with you, but isn’t it down to the stewards to manage ( keep gangways clear in case of evacuation/ emergency
Plus of course those sitting ( standing) in their seats giving due consideration to fellow fans
The stewards at Chesterfield whilst being very friendly were pretty useless when it came to dealing with this issue
As at Barnet and again on Saturday at Chesterfield there is group of supporters who are standing in the gangways causing those of us who have a seat to stand because our views are being obscured.Please remember not everyone can stand due to various reasons so please be fair and understand this and don't be selfish.Afterall we are all in attendance for one reason all that is to support our football club.
The atmosphere was electric on Saturday generated by everyone not a selected few.

Thankyou for your consideration
as much as a i sympathise with you the stewards have a duty of care and anyone found standing in the gang ways or steps should be moved on. Regarding Saturday i was sat in row C and there were plenty of spare seats so those unhappy with the standing group rightly or wrongly could have moved. There was a similar post on FB about this as well
as much as a i sympathise with you the stewards have a duty of care and anyone found standing in the gang ways or steps should be moved on. Regarding Saturday i was sat in row C and there were plenty of spare seats so those unhappy with the standing group rightly or wrongly could have moved. There was a similar post on FB about this as well
At half time I did move but couldn't before but my point is when you buy your ticket in a seated area then you obviously know where you are going to be based.Dont just stand in a area where you shouldn't and generally upset those around you
Although I prefer to stand at away games, and do so as long as those around me are also standing, I do have sympathy with those who wish/need to sit.

It really is time for the football clubs to introduce safe standing areas for those who wish to stand, and then those in the seats have to sit. A large proportion of fans wish to stand, especially away from home, and it is important that their needs are catered for without spoiling the enjoyment of others. From what I see of premiership games it appears that everyone stands behind the goals now anyway. I think the people have voted with their feet (or backsides in this case).
This is a continuing issue, away game after away game. Some supporters are very decent if they are asked to sit down, especially towards the front of a stand, and lets face it, they are going to be asked by those that can't stand. The second group are the sensible 'standers' that go to the back of the stand. Then finally you have another breed that simply couldn't give **** about anyone when standing, gangways, seats in front of you, who cares, if you can't stand then don't come to the away games. I've encountered that on more than one occasion. If the stewards don't do their job then, short of a ruck, there isn't much that can be done. It's not an exclusive issue for Southend, it's an issue across pro football, but is still very annoying and sad when it happens
I do sympathise with those who can’t stand getting stuck in a standing area. But you are never going to stop this in all-seater away ends where it’s nearly sold out. If you want to sit down the best bet is to chose a seat in the front half of the stand.

I’d say typically half want to sit and half want to stand. So why can’t those who want to stand buy seats in the back half and those who want to sit buy seats in the front half? That way everyone gets what they want. Instead you’ll get people (not aimed at you just a general comment) that want to sit down that buy tickets near the back and then wonder why there’s people standing in front of them.
At half time I did move but couldn't before but my point is when you buy your ticket in a seated area then you obviously know where you are going to be based.Dont just stand in a area where you shouldn't and generally upset those around you
you are completely right however i think you are losing a fighting battle. Fortunately a lot of the grounds we go to offer seating and terrace so hopefully it doesnt happen many times.
I’m generally pretty forgiving on people who pick random seats, as long as they’re polite and move when asked. But also noticed this on Saturday, as well as groups of 5/6/7 boys trying to fit in the space or 2 or 3 seats. Blocks people’s view as well as being quite unsafe
I do sympathise with those who can’t stand getting stuck in a standing area. But you are never going to stop this in all-seater away ends where it’s nearly sold out. If you want to sit down the best bet is to chose a seat in the front half of the stand.

I’d say typically half want to sit and half want to stand. So why can’t those who want to stand buy seats in the back half and those who want to sit buy seats in the front half? That way everyone gets what they want. Instead you’ll get people (not aimed at you just a general comment) that want to sit down that buy tickets near the back and then wonder why there’s people standing in front of them.
That is pretty logical and that is the way forward, but it often doesn't work like that. I always buy tickets towards the front of an away stand, but then you will get a moment of an incident on the pitch and a chunk of fans will come tumbling down the stairs to express their outrage, often down to the base of the stand to jump on the rails to make sure their abuse is heard. 8 times out of 10 they then stay at the front on the gangways standing all the way.
There is a very simply method for those (including myself who take my young kids) to the busier games which are all seater and that is to either purchase your seat near to the front of the stand or get there a bit earlier.

We were all young once going with out mates on an away trip and we should all just understand that not everyone is going to sit in their seat, whilst reading their match programme and tucking into a pre made lunchbox.
We were all young once going with out mates on an away trip and we should all just understand that not everyone is going to sit in their seat, whilst reading their match programme and tucking into a pre made lunchbox.

Did you eat your egg sandwiches on the coach/train before the game?
I can not stand for the whole match and always sit in the fronts rows, the people that were standing in the gangways where standing just behind me, more then half way down, they were an absolute nuisance they kept walking up and down, stopping to chat blocking views, it was ridiculous. The second half the stewards did prevent them from standing there. These people turn up 5 minutes before kick off and moan that they can’t all stand together. More consideration is needed by them, and as for the people affected why should they move they aren’t doing anything wrong, those standing in gangways should move not the other way round
There is a very simply method for those (including myself who take my young kids) to the busier games which are all seater and that is to either purchase your seat near to the front of the stand or get there a bit earlier.

We were all young once going with out mates on an away trip and we should all just understand that not everyone is going to sit in their seat, whilst reading their match programme and tucking into a pre made lunchbox.
Spot on mate, we do sit near the front (I've been known to fall down steps higher up before now), and we do get there early as the Trust coach knows no other way! Sometimes we eat our own food (not sure why that's relevant) and sometimes we buy stuff. So far so good. I've also been young and done the away jolly boys outings, I just don't remember me telling older folk that they were 'stupid old bastards and if you don't like us standing in front of you you can do one'. That has happened more than once in the last few seasons in the NL.
I do sympathise with those who can’t stand getting stuck in a standing area. But you are never going to stop this in all-seater away ends where it’s nearly sold out. If you want to sit down the best bet is to chose a seat in the front half of the stand.

I’d say typically half want to sit and half want to stand. So why can’t those who want to stand buy seats in the back half and those who want to sit buy seats in the front half? That way everyone gets what they want. Instead you’ll get people (not aimed at you just a general comment) that want to sit down that buy tickets near the back and then wonder why there’s people standing in front of them.
Your solution is fine but it requires a degree of intelligence that some of these ‘fans’ just don’t have.
Bottom line, the current situation will continue were some sit, others stand and then there is that grey area in between. To be fair, we have asked fans in front of us (at the front rows of the stand @Paulie Walnuts) if they would mind sitting down and mostly it's not a problem. There have also been occasions where we asked and I've already described some of the responses. So me and her have two choices, go to away games and accept that we will sometimes encounter selfish, drink fuelled arseholes, or stay at home. A tricky choice. Once upon a time those with potty mouths would have only gobbed off once, nowadays the brain is still reactionary but the body is a very poor follower, so if it happens we have to suck it up.