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Standing in the Gangways

One good thing that has emerged from this thread is that it has given people the opportunity to get the angst off their chests, and the 'Elephant in the Room' has been given a good airing. The disappointing thing for me is that the vast majority of those that stand where they want don't read ShrimperZone, so they will have absolutely no idea that some get seriously aggravated by the what they do. I doubt our disagreements will be resolved any time soon, but as we are all Shrimpers we might try to get on and be polite to each other when doing the away trips. Everyone is entitled to go to an away game, it's not an elitist event where only the strong and the sure footed survive. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with doing the trip, doing a few beers and having a good time all round. Just let's all try to get on.
If a club sells a seat for you to watch a match from a seated position then surely they have a duty to ensure you can do this . Wonder what would happen if people started to demand refunds due to the fact that what they was sold didn’t actually happen 🤔
Quite a few clubs sell allocated seats..... but when you get there they tell you to sit where you want.
My Eastleigh allocated seat ticket was within the segregated area. They had sold half a block that no one could sit in. The response was sit anywhere you want within the remaining seats.
One good thing that has emerged from this thread is that it has given people the opportunity to get the angst off their chests, and the 'Elephant in the Room' has been given a good airing. The disappointing thing for me is that the vast majority of those that stand where they want don't read ShrimperZone, so they will have absolutely no idea that some get seriously aggravated by the what they do. I doubt our disagreements will be resolved any time soon, but as we are all Shrimpers we might try to get on and be polite to each other when doing the away trips. Everyone is entitled to go to an away game, it's not an elitist event where only the strong and the sure footed survive. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with doing the trip, doing a few beers and having a good time all round. Just let's all try to get on.
Let's hope the Elephant in the room isn't standing in the gangway otherwise things could really get messy.
We’ve actually taken our lead from America on the entitlement point and we’ve now surpasses them on it. Worse is to come with political correctness. We’ve still got a way to come to match the US but it is not far off.

Standing permanently in seated stadiums where it blocks someone’s view (I.e not at the back) is sheer ignorance and indefensible. I’ve yet to see a credible argument on this thread to defend it but plenty of comments that just underline ignorance.

Simple question. Apart from W Block (and X) name one seating area in RH where standing the whole game would be accepted by those in and around it?
I agree the worse is still to come, standing at football stadiums is some of the most barbaric levels of ignorance in todays society which must be exterminated by cutting off peoples legs whoever stands when the first whistle goes. Completely indefensible and the worst thing about the world now a days - thanks America..
I think this photo shows the problem well.

I wasn't at the game - those aisles look dangerously blocked.
Just seen that photo and as I've said previously if someone in that aisle slips and falls down others could domino effect and get badly hurt
Just seen that photo and as I've said previously if someone in that aisle slips and falls down others could domino effect and get badly hurt
Exactly I was there and the stewarding was very weak in stopping this.Fortunatley as far as I was aware nothing untoward happened
Quite a few clubs sell allocated seats..... but when you get there they tell you to sit where you want.
My Eastleigh allocated seat ticket was within the segregated area. They had sold half a block that no one could sit in. The response was sit anywhere you want within the remaining seats.
Wealdstone is the same 'sit where you like'
Back row of the entire East stand is compulsory standing !

When your an East Green Ultra its expected.

So many posts on here claiming its all down to US style entitlement.....Not us Ultras, we love tradition and its an honour and a privilege to respect the rules of the East Green.

If you aren't over 50 and don't have at least 25 seasons of moaning then go sit, be happy and actually enjoy the game with generation Z or whatever they are called these days
When your an East Green Ultra its expected.

So many posts on here claiming its all down to US style entitlement.....Not us Ultras, we love tradition and its an honour and a privilege to respect the rules of the East Green.

If you aren't over 50 and don't have at least 25 seasons of moaning then go sit, be happy and actually enjoy the game with generation Z or whatever they are called these days

Well over 50,
Well over 25 seasons,
Love standing at footy,
Back row of the entire East stand is compulsory standing !

There is less leg room in that row than on a Ryanair plane. If you are taller than 4ft 6in it’s impossible to sit down unless the seat next to you is unoccupied. I think the row in front has less legroom than normal as well. All because of the boxes.
I wonder if York fans are having the same heated discussions on their forum after a large % of their fans were standing at the weekend?
