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Strikes take 2

I think you'll find that time was in use prior to the discovery of radiation. The fact that we use atomic clocks is because they're regular enough to keep time constant. Time isn't dictated by atomic decay, the regularity of atomic decay is used mark time.

As for people's perception of time, it's exactly that. Perception. Time itself passes at the same rate to all intents and purposes (slight fluctuations due to gravitational effect are too negligible at this level to consider).

I don't fully disagree that some jobs do have an "age" limit, though I'd argue that it's hard to legislate for an exact age for this (maybe regular tests, like an MOT, after a certain age?), I just wish you could admit you're wrong over your definition of time at a global level.

It dosnt as Time is not an external force which is measurable say like the strong radioactive force . The decay of an atomic clock is used as an accurate measurement of time in relation to the release of energy . Or a more specific explanantion http://science.howstuffworks.com/atomic-clock3.htm . Time isn't (and ive been told off by physicist i know ) a set specific force , its a measurement system in relation to perception and our relativity in space .
It dosnt as Time is not an external force which is measurable say like the strong radioactive force . The decay of an atomic clock is used as an accurate measurement of time in relation to the release of energy . Or a more specific explanantion http://science.howstuffworks.com/atomic-clock3.htm . Time isn't (and ive been told off by physicist i know ) a set specific force , its a measurement system in relation to perception and our relativity in space .

Don't forget we're talking a global, rather than a universal context.

Also,going back to your original point, and using your current argument, are you saying that people reach 50 years old after a varying amount of years on this planet, because that's the argument you're making.
Added bonus

I've been able to stay out late on a schoolnight as a result of not having to go to work tomorrow. Only just got in :smile:


I reckon i'll be able to get up at 9:30 and still make it to london for a mild bit of protesting before heading to brick lane for a nice curry to celebrate my own smugness.

And all because osbourne is a complete ****. Thanks George :thumbsup:
Haha well spotted Yarmouth. The teacher I used to live with used to ask me how to spell things. No wonder we have so many illiterate schoolkids.

Yup I struggle with my spelling and my uni tried to label me as disabled for it. They offered extra time for exams and free computer facilities to me. I said no thanks as I knew it'd be no use in the real world... Luckily I am able admit my human side and imperfections to my students and they help me with my spellings. Thankfully with my 2.1 from Cambridge, MA (Cantab) and now second MA from St Mary's they don't pick up on every last typo.
Although I do not agree with the strikes and am not striking myself I do agree with the point Osy seems to be getting at. From my point of view (an outpatient physiotherapist who treats predominantly staff in the trust at present) I certainly would not want a 68 year old physiotherapist or nurse looking after me. It is a physically demanding job and I am not convinced a near 70 year old would have the physical capability to work as safe as possible.

How about a teacher in their late 60's? I posed this to the kids today. They mentioned 3 teachers who they thought were too worn out to teach. These were the three teachers who are 58.
How about a teacher in their late 60's? I posed this to the kids today. They mentioned 3 teachers who they thought were too worn out to teach. These were the three teachers who are 58.

Its hard for me to say I guess. I went to SHSB and a lot of the better teachers were the younger ones who were enthusiastic and motivated whereas some of the older guys just made us copy out of a textbook every lesson, however from my own point of view I can't really comment on how a 58 year old teacher feels.
I am only 26 and occasionally I lose the enthusiasm for physiotherapy, the biggest problem I feel is decisions made that affect clinical decisions by non clinical managers.
Its hard for me to say I guess. I went to SHSB and a lot of the better teachers were the younger ones who were enthusiastic and motivated whereas some of the older guys just made us copy out of a textbook every lesson, however from my own point of view I can't really comment on how a 58 year old teacher feels.
I am only 26 and occasionally I lose the enthusiasm for physiotherapy, the biggest problem I feel is decisions made that affect clinical decisions by non clinical managers.

Yeah but some of the older teachers like your Mr. Kemps and Mr. Reids always got As. No coincidence.
Although I do not agree with the strikes and am not striking myself I do agree with the point Osy seems to be getting at. From my point of view (an outpatient physiotherapist who treats predominantly staff in the trust at present) I certainly would not want a 68 year old physiotherapist or nurse looking after me. It is a physically demanding job and I am not convinced a near 70 year old would have the physical capability to work as safe as possible.

I now believe the world has gone stark raving bonkers.
If the same level of protest had occurred from members of private schemes they may not have been as utterly raped as they were.

That's very glib, many people didn't realise the problem that Brown's raids were making until many final salary shemes etc started closing down. Please explain how disparate sets of people from different walks of life are able to make such a protest when already presented with a fait accompli that their pensions had disappeared without them knowing.
Added bonus

I've been able to stay out late on a schoolnight as a result of not having to go to work tomorrow. Only just got in :smile:


I reckon i'll be able to get up at 9:30 and still make it to london for a mild bit of protesting before heading to brick lane for a nice curry to celebrate my own smugness.

And all because osbourne is a complete ****. Thanks George :thumbsup:

You're the tool, sponger. Get back to work, parasite
That's very glib, many people didn't realise the problem that Brown's raids were making until many final salary shemes etc started closing down. Please explain how disparate sets of people from different walks of life are able to make such a protest when already presented with a fait accompli that their pensions had disappeared without them knowing.

You mean in the same way that Police , nurses etc all came together as a union to complain , hmm its an odd one if only there was some clue .

On a serious note , it sounds as if teh private sector workers are some form of myopic sheep ? How many people here have read and checked their employment contracts , know their own rights in their jobs and employment in general . I'm terrible sorry if someone felt that just because another sector appears to get large pay offs and comfortable pensions (from figures i heard last night an average public sector pension is in the regian of 2,500-4500 a year once retired ) but may you should do something about it rather then saying "oh but things might get worse" or "Oh its not fair they have what we dont".
Its hard for me to say I guess. I went to SHSB and a lot of the better teachers were the younger ones who were enthusiastic and motivated whereas some of the older guys just made us copy out of a textbook every lesson, however from my own point of view I can't really comment on how a 58 year old teacher feels.
I am only 26 and occasionally I lose the enthusiasm for physiotherapy, the biggest problem I feel is decisions made that affect clinical decisions by non clinical managers.

When I was at school - long time ago - the yonger teachers got slaughtered. Kids were a lot better behaved for the older teachers as the discipline was a lot harsher.

With regard to the strikes, traffic was a lot lighter today - lets have one every week.
Don't forget we're talking a global, rather than a universal context.

Also,going back to your original point, and using your current argument, are you saying that people reach 50 years old after a varying amount of years on this planet, because that's the argument you're making.

Actually its global in its an accepted measurement scale , individual perception still defines what "time" or its passage means . And there is no universal time . What you askin there is relativity , the passage of events would still occur no matter where you were , its just the perception of it would be relative to where you were in space (i think that's a very basic version of Einstien basic theory there ). My example of 50 was as an average becuase it relates to both a number equate with close to retirement and to a long service period.
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You should only use the word 'actually' when you're about to state an indisputable fact, not when you're about to spout a further load of old bollocks. Just admit you're ****ing wrong you tool.
You should only use the word 'actually' when you're about to state an indisputable fact, not when you're about to spout a further load of old bollocks. Just admit you're ****ing wrong you tool.

Sigh Rusty no facts are not indisputable , they are simply the most likely outcome given current knowledge and understanding . If they were indisputable then nothing could ever be questioned or altered and we would stay in dogma... oh wait i see where you coming from now.

This is the way to behave in these austere times. Read it and be ashamed of yourselves parasites.

Are the comments true it was enforced ? What are the factory workers rights ? Is the company badly managed to have come to this ? The influence and control of the supermarkets altering the prices they pay ? If the product actually any good or some mass produced rubbish ?

Lots of information missing from here .
I took a 10% pay cut a few years back so that company could stay in business. Now the business is back to its former glories.

Yes , however you are an intelligent educated man who knows his rights and the likely hood of the outcome of this . Can we say the same for everyone ? And do they have access to said information ?