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Hi mods,

This is just my personal view, but I am not a fan of all the sub-forms...

There is too much 'click-through' and for the casual user, for example the TechnoZone was fine as it was and didn't really need to be split up further... also it may mean that people with a general interest in Technology who may have a quick look in the forum would not bother to go all the way to the Mobile or Console forum but may have been able to help....

Agree with Marketplace being in Pub etc though

I just feel it makes it almost a bit too complicated....

Not sure other peoples thought on here.

Don't get me wrong, you are doing an amazing job with the place -but just wanted to give a bit of feedback.

Thanks for your feedback Andy, we are still in the process of changing a lot of things. The Sub-Forums will enable us to give members more choices but save people having to scroll down the main forum page all the time. You do not have to go into the Techy forum for example if you wanted to just go to consoles you just click the link on the main forum page where it says Sub-Forums and you will go directly there.

It is all still work in Progress.
Thanks for your feedback Andy, we are still in the process of changing a lot of things. The Sub-Forums will enable us to give members more choices but save people having to scroll down the main forum page all the time. You do not have to go into the Techy forum for example if you wanted to just go to consoles you just click the link on the main forum page where it says Sub-Forums and you will go directly there.

It is all still work in Progress.

Ah I see, that does sound like an improvement :)

I thought you would have to pigeon hole/categorise all your posts... thanks for taking the time to reply.
I'm still not a great fan of all the sub-forums, although accessible direct from main page, it's still a lot of 'clicks' to check everything on say the TechnoZone... check main forum, then phone, then console etc.

I worry if you introduce this on main Shrimpers forum for off field on field etc as hinted it means a lot of areas to check!

No one else has commented on this though, so I must be alone...
The main forum (Chit-Chat) is done already..we abandoned the on pitch off pitch idea. Looking for new posts you are better off using the "What's New" link in the Nav bar.
I'm still not a great fan of all the sub-forums, although accessible direct from main page, it's still a lot of 'clicks' to check everything on say the TechnoZone... check main forum, then phone, then console etc.

I worry if you introduce this on main Shrimpers forum for off field on field etc as hinted it means a lot of areas to check!

No one else has commented on this though, so I must be alone...

nope I completely agree too, in the busier sub-forums it's fair enough, but for example the Technology sub-forum it's fairly quiet, so I don't really see the point and it just means more clicking.

I mainly use the New Posts button to see what's being discussed, it'd be great if it could be a bit bigger to make it more smartphone accessible.