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The Big Dady

¡Viva la Kevolución! ⭐️ ⭐️
Also note the changes to full strength teams.

OS Website said:

Clubs agree new ‘full strength’ team policy

EFL Clubs have today officially voted through proposals that will see the EFL transfer window close following the opening game of the League season.

Consultation with Clubs has been ongoing since last year and as a result of today’s vote, the window will now close for permanent transfers from another Club on Thursday 9th August 2018 at 5pm, which is aligned with the decision the Premier League opted to take in September 2017.

In addition, EFL Clubs will still be able to:

Sign players on Standard Loan up to the 31st August 2018
Sign players on Standard Loan up to 31st August 2018 with an option to agree a permanent transfer when the next window opens
Register players who ceased to be registered with a Club during the period up until the 31st August 2018
Transfer players OUT to a Club in any League whose window is still open
The EFL was under no obligation to make any changes and the Board adopted a neutral position on the matter ensuring that Clubs were provided with the appropriate information in order to fully consider the implications and come to a decision that benefitted their own individual transfer policies.

EFL Chief Executive Shaun Harvey said: “After discussing the options throughout the course of the last few months, I’m pleased that the matter has been determined by Clubs ahead of the start of next season.

“This new approach will give Clubs and managers the stability they crave earlier in the season whilst also providing the flexibility to add to their squads after the traditional deadline until the end of month if required.”


Alongside voting in the changes to the transfer window, Clubs also adopted new policy guidance in regard to what constitutes a ‘full strength’ team.

Following the widespread attention the matter of team selection received in the closing weeks of the 2016/17 season, it was agreed the EFL would work up a policy to determine what constitutes a ‘full strength’ team to remove any ambiguity and further potential reputational damage to the EFL and its competitions.

Today, Clubs supported the implementation of guidance on the following basis: ‘for any League match played on or after the 4th Thursday in March (including Season 2017/18), any team sheet for a League game should include at least 10 outfield players who featured on the team sheet for the League match before.’

In the event any Club breaches the threshold, they may be charged with a breach of Regulation 24 and the matter will be referred to a Disciplinary Commission.


All EFL Clubs have had the opportunity over the course of the season to input their views on the potential use of synthetic or artificial pitches within the EFL as part of a wider Stadium Criteria review.

The current position was communicated at today’s Club meeting, and discussions will now continue ahead of the EFL’s AGM in June to determine if there is an appetite for either League wide change or if there is an option to adopt the use of artificial pitches on a divisional basis.

Any National League Club with aspirations to play in the EFL in 2018/19 was required to submit an application by December 31 2017, confirming that in the event of achieving promotion, they would agree to comply with the qualification criteria, which includes the requirement for a grass playing surface. All National League Clubs that have made an application have agreed to meet this criteria.

Should any National League Club be promoted to the EFL but fail to meet the criteria by the nominated date, it will result in the 23rd Club in League Two retaining its status.

While the use of artificial pitches is ultimately a matter for EFL Clubs to decide, there are any number of other parties that have a significant interest, including the FA and the PFA whose members have historically been against the use of artificial pitches in the EFL. Their views will also need taking into account before any decision is made.


The EFL have confirmed that Goal Line Technology, which was introduced into the Sky Bet Championship in 2017/18, will be in operation at this year’s Sky Bet League One and Sky Bet League Two Semi-Final Play-Offs.

Transfer Window

Permanent Transfers

Based on the 2017 Summer Transfer Window:

There were 950 number of players registered by EFL Clubs (permanent and temporary).
The majority 488 (68%) of players signed were either out of contract or Free Transfers.
There were 30 transfers from PL Clubs and 104 from other EFL Clubs (for a fee).
There were 85 transfers from overseas (includes loans).
There were 27 transfers from Non-League Clubs.
The balance were on Standard Loan.
Standard Loans

Based on the 2017 Summer Transfer Window:

Of the registrations INTO the EFL, 216 were Standard Loans (23%).
The 216 registrations were split as follows :
104 from the Premier League.
111 were between EFL Clubs.
1 came from Non-League.
Of the 216 registrations, 102 (47%) were completed after the start of the season of which 52 were on the last day.

Interesting. A key consideration for clubs further down the pyramid is how soon clubs in the divisions above complete their transfer business and therefore let players go. Will this revised date make a difference to that?

As for the "full strength" ruling - this again is interesting - especially when your club's future might be affected by the performance of another team in another game. 10 out of 18 have to be constant from one game to another - that seems to still leave quite some scope for changing a team from 1 game to another.

And I have seen quite a few non-league games on the latest artificial pitches. They aren't perfect but they are very good ...... and probably a lot better than the pitches at Bury and Oldham at the moment.
Shouldn't this thread be in the general football forum?

Anyway, back on topic.....

R/E: "Full strength teams", I can't help but think this a stupid rule. No point in risking potential future talents then is there for a match day experience.

I presume they will insist on this during the EFL Trophy competition also, or is it a case of double standards?
The window closing before the season starts is a good idea. Until the end of August last year we were never certain that Lenny would still be our player, which certainly had an impact on our own recruitment.

Its now been forgotten that Lenny had a very slow start by his high standards. That's not a dig at him personally just any one in his position would have had half an eye on Sheffield.
Im looking forward to seeing how this all goes in practice and what the advantages and disadvantages might be. We have a completely new Management set up in practice and Sir CP has already stated his strong preference for getting players in early. Phil used to say the same but it never happened, whereas I am more inclined to trust the words of Chris Powell. With a new Head of recruitment and two additional coaches, I hope they will get some structure together that enables the best outcomes.
A well run club succeeds by planning out a transfer campaign.
I agree with much of the above criticism of the old transfer system where a lack of clarity for players impacted their ability to concentrate, prolonged transfer periods disrupt a squads preparation, so much player speculation goes on around movements as feverish agents got to work..
The new arrangements actually forces clubs to get their business done early and the transfer business wont drag on alongside the football.
Will it mean more use of youngsters given restrictions on ability to improve squads, ? although loans can carry on after 9th August until 31st, and loans with a view to permanent transfer, will we see more of this if Managers panic that their squad is not up to it?
Im looking forward to seeing how this all goes in practice and what the advantages and disadvantages might be. We have a completely new Management set up in practice and Sir CP has already stated his strong preference for getting players in early. Phil used to say the same but it never happened, whereas I am more inclined to trust the words of Chris Powell. With a new Head of recruitment and two additional coaches, I hope they will get some structure together that enables the best outcomes.
A well run club succeeds by planning out a transfer campaign.
I agree with much of the above criticism of the old transfer system where a lack of clarity for players impacted their ability to concentrate, prolonged transfer periods disrupt a squads preparation, so much player speculation goes on around movements as feverish agents got to work..
The new arrangements actually forces clubs to get their business done early and the transfer business wont drag on alongside the football.
Will it mean more use of youngsters given restrictions on ability to improve squads, ? although loans can carry on after 9th August until 31st, and loans with a view to permanent transfer, will we see more of this if Managers panic that their squad is not up to it?

It's fine to say "let's get the transfer business done early" but as has been discussed on this site before there are some very valid reasons that are not under the control of the club as to why this does not always happen.

One thing the club can do is to minimise the amount of player "churn" by giving the (right) players longer contracts, ar concluded as soon as possible, ensure that the contracts have the right "get out" clauses and to develop talent in-house. Again easier to say than do. :sad:

And I have come to enjoy the arrival of "Championship stars" ........... and hope that the "policy" of getting one or two players who are dropping down a division continues. Sadly, these transfer deals may only be concluded later in the closed season as players wait to ensure that they evaluate all options available to them.

What I do think is that if the club continues on a run up to the end of the season, then C.P.'s job of selling the club to potential new players will be a lot easier than the position the club was in when he took over the role of manager. :thumbsup:
What also caught my eye was that there were 950 transfers during the window as figures above in first article AND 68% were FREEBIES or out of contract, which affirms the vast majority of signings are NOT expensive. A view sometimes expressed here is how impossible it is for us to sign anyone because of the money needed, This isnt supported by the facts if nearly 70% of all transfers are free. Interesting too that as many as 85 transfers were from overseas. Would Ibenfeldt count as our last attempt?
What also caught my eye was that there were 950 transfers during the window as figures above in first article AND 68% were FREEBIES or out of contract, which affirms the vast majority of signings are NOT expensive. A view sometimes expressed here is how impossible it is for us to sign anyone because of the money needed, This isnt supported by the facts if nearly 70% of all transfers are free. Interesting too that as many as 85 transfers were from overseas. Would Ibenfeldt count as our last attempt?

Worth pointing out that though most transfers are 'free' in respect of payments to other clubs, they are certainly not 'free' in terms of signing on fees and salaries.

I am also advised that signings to be made late on in the window is a directive from above and is not always up to the manager, whomever that may be at the time.

Do not expect to see early signing this summer just because we have a new manager.
Sign players on Standard Loan up to 31st August 2018 with an option to agree a permanent transfer when the next window opens

Isn't this a bit of a loophole? Teams will just sign a player on 'loan' and then activate the option in the next window.