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Supportive messages for the players *LEAVE YOUR MSG NOW*


¡Viva la Aussielución! 🇦🇺 🦘 ⭐️
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
SS2 Born & Bred 🦐
Right you lot. I have arranged for a collection of supportive messages to be delivered to the players in time for the game tomorrow night.

This is now your chance to be Steve Tilson, in the motivational sense! Please leave a supportive message on this thread, or email me on Shrimpers_2000@yahoo.co.uk if you wish it to remain more private.

Messages need to be received by 10:30am this morning (Tues), at the very latest. At which point they will be delivered to the players.

Off you go and keep it positive and passionate. Leave your firstname, age and location aswell please. Small things like that make it seem so much more personal.

So please leave your message in this format.

Message: xxxxxxxxxxxx
First Name: xxxxxxxxx
Age: xxx
Location: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Please do not use it as an opportunity to slate a player. I have to copy and paste each message, so dont waste my time or yours as they will be deleted. Also please keep general chat to a minimum as I don't want to sift through 20 pages of bollox! Ta.

Let's see those Shakesperian/Dickensian calls to arms people. Maybe, just maybe it will make a massive difference to the lads confidence...
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"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays."

southend born and bred
Good idea mate.

We all know why we're in this mess, but now is the time more than ever to all pull together. 5 years ago, League One status was hard-fought for, lets see some of that fight in keeping us there despite all the obstacles that we've faced this season. Five games left this season to make yourself a Southend United legend. Don't think about all that's happened in the past, just concentrate on playing as well as we all know you can. COME ON SOUTHEND!!!

Richard, 36, Glasgow
Message: Pressure makes diamonds.

All the best.

Name: Matt.
Age: 37.
Location: Benfleet.
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Message: We have three games left at home this season, if we win our home games then we have a good chance of survival. I am sure and confident that every player has this club at heart and wishes to stay up, this season has been hard with the off-field issues but we need to put them to one side for tonight and let our football do the talking to show that we will not die without a fight because we are Blue through and through and we have full faith in you. Come on you Blues!

First Name: Peter
Age: 17
Location: Southend
Message: Show some effin balls and stop playing like a bunch of fannies.
First Name: Dave
Age: 30
Location: East Blacks
Message...If you don't start getting results from tomorrow night. Rm is going to threaten you all with paying you on time...that will teach you! Good luck guy's.

28 and 3 quarters
At my desk
Message: Right, I've seen a lot in my nearly 40 years of supporting SUFC, what I don't ever want to see is a Southend side give up without a fight so whatever is going on in the background and on the sidelines, please put it out of your heads and focus like you've never focused before on getting the right result against Brentford. Our fight for survival is now at critical stage and it is in YOUR hands, there is nothing we the fans can do that we've not done already, we've given you our all, now it's time for you to repay us. I expect 100% commitment from you all, nothing less will do, we have to win this game and start putting results together before it's too late. Let's have some pride and some passion please.

First Name: Kay/OBL
Age: 48
Location: Benfleet
A good start. Keep 'em coming people. Would like a hundred or so before tomorrow morning...
Football isn't a matter of life and death, it's much more than that.

I imagine that each and everyone of us, players, managers and fans know that this statement is true.

Football is about passion, it's about emotion.

The feeling of winning can never be described, the feeling of losing can never be described, the feeling of playing with thousands of people singing your name I am sure can never be described, the feeling of being a fan WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO BE DESCRIBED.

Whatever it is that spurs you on as a player, be it, love for the club, love for playing, love for bettering yourself. Let that take you. Let that smash you through these coming Saturdays. Never give up, Never ever lay down and give up, don't forget the fans, and most of all, don't forget US, Southend United, we are all Southend United at this moment in time. We have all experienced these terrible times. You have noticed our passion, we have noticed yours. Lets carry on fighting link our emotion and passion for this game.

We will do this together, with our arms linked.

Tuesday night, the 13th April, when the flood lights are lit up, when that whistle blows and you see us in the stands, use your passion, use your emotion, use your senses and always Believe.

We are Southend United, and united is what we are.

Name: Dave
Age: 19
Location: Southend-on-sea
Over the years, I've seen enough fight, determination and spirit to know full well that this team is more than capable of saving itself from the situation we find ourselves in. It's been a long, tough season... Nobody knows this more than the supporters. Put that to the back of your mind and know that we'll be behind you every step of the way.

Mildy: Keep swearing if it helps, you've been blinding anyway. Barrett: Get your bald head on those crosses at both ends of the field. Franno: Keep it up, You'll score one of those free kick's soon enough. Baldwin: You might be from the scum, but you've turned us around. Keep going. Herd: You're scaring the life out of them with those throws, you freak. Grant: Keep biting at their heels, it's working. Macca: We all remember the player that first turned up here, remember what you did against Preston, you've still got it somewhere: Laurent: Pretend that every full back is John Nutter. Moussa: Keep up the Moose magic, lash in another few goals. Jeff: You're a beast. Vernon: Keep getting those penalties. Paterson: Show Southampton what they're missing.

You can do it, lads.

Liam, 21 and 363/365ths.
Message: Get ball, put ball in the back of the opposition net, do this more times than the opposition and the club could elevate itself in the table. This will do wonders to your bank account balance in the future as you may get a move to a club who will pay you.

Name: Dean
Age: 29 1/2
Location: Canvey
Message: Forget what has gone before. Ignore the league table. Focus simply on the task ahead. Brentford at home - you can beat this lot. You will win this game. Attack them like madmen from the word go, and leave every last bead of sweat out on that pitch. Believe in yourselves - and remember:

We believe in you.

First Name: Matt the Shrimp
Age: 36
Location: London
To All of You....

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you"

Come on we can do this!!!

"The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work"

Name: Lara
Age: 38
From: Leigh on Sea
Message: Our current position in the table in no way reflects the talent and commitment of you players. We have been dealt some cruel (too often injury time!) blows this season, and we all know how hard things have been behind the scenes, but at 7:45pm on Tuesday all that is irrelevant. It is a fresh 90 minutes, a brand new opportunity to show the fans and the rest of League One just how good Southend United really are, and I know you have the character to do just that.

First Name: Tom

Age: 53

Location: Wester Ross
Message: Just remember, if you win tonight, probably over 20,000 people who are supporting you will be happy, if you lose, 20,000 will be upset. Whether or not you're getting paid, whether or not you're going to be off in the summer just give us, the fans, everything you've got for 5 last games. Give us something to remember you by. If you stay up, you'll go down as legends, if you go down, you'll just be another player for Southend United. We are Southend, you are southend, do it for us, do it for the fans, we've stuck by you and supported you through poor performances so now you aren't getting the best out of the club you have to stick by us and repay us. Come on you Blues!
First Name: Sam
Age: 15
Location: Shoebury
Message: We know that things have been difficult off the pitch, we can guess that some of you are very upset and have pressures of girlfriends , wife, mortgages etc. All we ask is that after each game you can look in the mirror and say 'I gave my best' We KNOW you are good enough players to stay up , we KNOW that individually and collectively you have the skills to win these games. You may/may not love Southend - I accept that, but when you are older you will want to look back at your career and say 'I saved that club from relegation' and you will feel good about yourself . Hold your head high ,play for pride, play for yourselves, play for the supporters (who would love to be in your position) – I don’t care which-- but find something inside yourself and hold onto it and give everything - We are behind you ‘Come on Southend . Come on Southend , Come on Southend-Attack Attack, Attack Attack Attack ’
First Name: Dave
Age: 42
Location: Wickford- Block V/W
Okay lads think Long and hard before you answer this question.........

Do you really want to be traveling to play Accrington Stanley next season ? Play to the whistle and never give up....UTB

Dave, 47, Rayleigh