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SZ Trivia Challenge and Sporcle

9/10 - 68 seconds
832 points, got the bloody baseball question wrong. Why don't the yanks play cricket?
Note to self - don't do these things at 6am when you;ve just got in to work.
Only got 6 today.
That's why I'm top of the league!

Well, just for today so far anyway....8 out of 10 in 51 seconds.
Under 50 seconds again but can't seem to get more than 8.
8 today!! I beat Matt! My day is complete!
Seem to be able to get 8 or 9 every day but can't win the bloody thing!
Just noticed, can someone correct the embarassing typos in the title please?
Cheers, you can have a free correct answer for that.
4/10 heat must be getting to me, then again i doubt i would i would have done better anyway.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (shrimperman @ June 09 2006,09:33)]I'm getting worse. Two 4 on the trot. What are these questions all about though?
They're all a bit too american for my liking, but a lot can be deduced with good ol' common sense