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Question The how are you feeling thread?

Little tip Steve - maybe THINK before posting your drivel. We're now in a very similar situation to Bury. To Macclesfield. To the likes of Aldershot, Scarborough, Darlington and others I could mention all those years ago. You're so deluded it's a joke. The club is on the brink. We'll be VERY lucky if we still have one to support come the end of the month....
Have to disagree! The clubs in a bad state but I'm positive and know we willl have new owners! One thing I can guarantee is we won't end up like Bury or the other clubs u mention.Ive always said ron has to much to lose after coming this far!.
Like @BoyWonder2 I don’t have any family ties to Southend other than a great uncle who played for the club in the 50s. Other than that I was born in to a Man Utd supporting family and as such I had to beg my old man to take me to a Southend game in my youth. Alas, my first game was in 2002 against the old Wimbledon in the league cup with my elder step sister.. a game in which we got battered (4-1 I think it was) but I just knew from the first time I walked up the steps in the East Stand and saw the pitch under floodlights, I fell in love instantly.

During my late teens and early twenties I went to pretty much every home game and as many away games as I could but in recent years due to work/family commitments I haven’t been to nearly as many games as I’d like. I have also stayed away last season in self protest as to what’s going on with staff payments, embargo’s etc but looking back, that’s a decision that now I somewhat regret what with the very real possibility that we won’t have a club to go and watch this coming season.

As I’m sure the rest of you all are, this whole situation has left me dejected, frustrated, heartbroken and whatever other descriptive words you want to use.

Two and a bit years ago I became a father for the first time and as such one of the things I was most looking forward to was being able to take him one day to Roots Hall to see us play and hopefully persuade him that a lifetime of supporting Southend United, going to games around the country is better than watching a team from afar on the telly but sadly I don’t see that being a possibility now because I just don’t see how this all gets resolved in the next month and a bit.

One things for sure though, should the club go under I can honestly say I’ve met and made some wonderful friends and have had the pleasure chatting and debating with you all on here these last couple of decades (Jesus, that makes me feel old!).
Hi was your great uncle les Stubbs ?
I feel immense anger.

I've loved every minute of supporting Southend, with all lower league football there has been many lows ( more so last few seasons due to one man) however there have been some amazing highs, the two playoff finals with Jupp and then Pigott being the hero's. The win against United, the Freddy Hattricks, The win at Swansea to gain promotion back to the Championship was a big cherished memory as I live near there and was with several Swansea supporting friends that day.

My anger comes from a sense of feeling robbed, robbed of a club which has become so ingrained in my life, that has almost become religiously etched into my world every week for so long. The thought of having to find another team to support leaves me completely cold.

I am hoping beyond all hopes we can be bought out and survive, whatever league that's in. Sadly I think we ended up with the most rotten of Chairmen and I hope if our demise does happen he is run out of town.
Have to disagree! The clubs in a bad state but I'm positive and know we willl have new owners! One thing I can guarantee is we won't end up like Bury or the other clubs u mention.Ive always said ron has to much to lose after coming this far!.
How can you guarantee that ?
Getting back on track, how do I feel. I've always thought that it was possible Ron might trash the club as it's such a financial drain and he did not have enough wealth to cope. Let's hope the cavalry is on its way. It was always about the end game and we're right in the middle. It would be a great great pity to lose the club.
I'm feeling now we have to forget about kimura,they don't have the funds to buy the club! "Ron has said there are 2 other interested parties so let them show there ✋️! Its not going to be kimura."I've said all along there pockets aren't deep enough and looks like I've been proven right again.
Feeling more positive today after attending the protest yesterday. I’m aged 62 and have never attended a protest before in my life. Taking control of a situation is always better than letting it take control of you as long as it is within the law. Well done to all those who attended yesterday , the organisers on an impeccably well run and well behaved event and to all those that honked their horns in support.
I'm feeling now we have to forget about kimura,they don't have the funds to buy the club! "Ron has said there are 2 other interested parties so let them show there ✋️! Its not going to be kimura."I've said all along there pockets aren't deep enough and looks like I've been proven right again.
Don`t believe a word that comes out of that compulsive liars mouth!!?
Whatever his intentions are, it`s in his own interest and nothing to help or save SUFC.

Extremely sad on one hand but very angry with this despot of a man on the other.
It's been mentioned on here several times about the staff not being paid, if you or I failed to pay our staff we would be dragged up & punished for it in some way or form.
How the hell is he getting away with this, absolutely loathe this human being and what he's doing to our club.
Day's like yesterday I wish I lived in Essex so I could be there to vent this anger.
I'm feeling now we have to forget about kimura,they don't have the funds to buy the club! "Ron has said there are 2 other interested parties so let them show there ✋️! Its not going to be kimura."I've said all along there pockets aren't deep enough and looks like I've been proven right again.
Only time will tell
Have to disagree! The clubs in a bad state but I'm positive and know we willl have new owners! One thing I can guarantee is we won't end up like Bury or the other clubs u mention.Ive always said ron has to much to lose after coming this far!.
You don't and you can't. Whether we come through this or not - we may do, we may not - you can't give definitive clarity to either of those two statements. None of us can. Not even Ron.
I'm feeling now we have to forget about kimura,they don't have the funds to buy the club! "Ron has said there are 2 other interested parties so let them show there ✋️! Its not going to be kimura."I've said all along there pockets aren't deep enough and looks like I've been proven right again.
Who says Kimura haven't got the funds ? Ron ? like that would be the truth ? :Hilarious: