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The Independent Group

Yorkshire Blue

Super Moderator⭐
Staff member
Oct 27, 2003
Long overdue.

Well done Umunna, Berger, Leslie, Smith, Gapes, Shuker and Coffey for having the guts to stick their heads above the parapet.

Far too many MPs have put party or career before country.

We aren't getting the Government or the Opposition this country needs. The UK's political parties needs an urgent realignment. As a country we might have ****ed up the referendum but we still deserve a better choice than May or Corbyn.

Hopefully a few more of their former colleagues and those across the aisles will grow some balls and join them. History will treat these 7 far kinder than May and Corbyn.
By elections for all the seats please . these seats were voted for the Party not the individual and as such theses MPS should have the courage of their convictions and stand against an official candidate at a by election.

Likely to give the tories a greater advantage , by splitting the labour vote , but that's a consequence of the Tory Lite in Red, spiiting their dummies out .

Great work by the 7, when the government are on its knees and the country is crying out for a significant change in social policy , they do a "look at me i'm sad" act and detract from the biggest government shambles in recent history.

If they didn't want left wing policies wtf were they doing in the labour party, particularly after the last "centrist" labour leader was an unequivocal ****stain
Chuka Umunna was at one stage being touted as a future Labour leader. The man is dryer lunch than Ed Miliband......doomed to failure.
these seats were voted for the Party not the individual

These seats were voted for by the electorate, not the Party and it is the individual and not the party who is elected. I'm not opposed to by-elections though, anything which will shake things up from the moribund slumber Corbyn's Labour is in.

Far too many individuals have kept quiet and waited for things to blow over for the sake of their careers. Here at last are some politicians who are willing to speak the truth. British politics is a disaster at the moment and something had to be done.

Corbyn is currently the Conservatives' number one asset. His continuance as Labour leader is what is letting a leader as weak, as inept, as incompetent as May survive and letting Britain sleepwalk into the new Dunkirk.
I vote labour, would I ever vote for Corbyn and Abbott now...not a chance.
These seats were voted for by the electorate, not the Party and it is the individual and not the party who is elected. I'm not opposed to by-elections though, anything which will shake things up from the moribund slumber Corbyn's Labour is in.

Far too many individuals have kept quiet and waited for things to blow over for the sake of their careers. Here at last are some politicians who are willing to speak the truth. British politics is a disaster at the moment and something had to be done.

Corbyn is currently the Conservatives' number one asset. His continuance as Labour leader is what is letting a leader as weak, as inept, as incompetent as May survive and letting Britain sleepwalk into the new Dunkirk.

If the electorate voted for the candidate they wont mind voting for them again
If the electorate voted for the party of the candidate then they are entitled to representation from the candidate.
A by election would be in every ones interest, unless of course someone wants to ride the labour express but jump off when they have got what they wanted and not what those who voted for them want.
Bit confused JC....what one is it? You either want a left of centre Labour Party as presided over by Corbyn, or do you want the Neo-Con version espoused by Blair.

Who says it has to be Corbyn or Blair. How about a John Smith for example. That might get my vote.
Andy Burnham and you have my first, ever vote in a General Election. Corbyn not a chance.
Promises are pie in the sky and could never be kept.
Money would flow out of the country. Yes what he preaches is morally correct, but in practice, not a chance, it would work. This new party could make me move over from Lib Dems.
I have no issue with these MP's leaving the party if they don't feel they belong (most of them have been subject to votes from the local membership telling them that their recent behaviour should change or they are not welcome) so its fairly mutual. I do have an issue with them being voted in on Labour policies, on the backs of Labour members and then delivering something else, no one knows what yet. Their constituents voted for a Labour MP - they should have the opportunity to vote to actually be represented by a Labour MP rather than an independent.

The one thing that binds the 7 together is calling for a new referendum, it is the height of hypocrisy if their voters don't have the opportunity to say what type of MP they want.
I have no issue with these MP's leaving the party if they don't feel they belong (most of them have been subject to votes from the local membership telling them that their recent behaviour should change or they are not welcome) so its fairly mutual. I do have an issue with them being voted in on Labour policies, on the backs of Labour members and then delivering something else, no one knows what yet. Their constituents voted for a Labour MP - they should have the opportunity to vote to actually be represented by a Labour MP rather than an independent.

The one thing that binds the 7 together is calling for a new referendum, it is the height of hypocrisy if their voters don't have the opportunity to say what type of MP they want.

The issues with anti seminism and bullying seem to be getting ignored on here. Any particular reason?
I have no issue with these MP's leaving the party if they don't feel they belong (most of them have been subject to votes from the local membership telling them that their recent behaviour should change or they are not welcome) so its fairly mutual. I do have an issue with them being voted in on Labour policies, on the backs of Labour members and then delivering something else, no one knows what yet. Their constituents voted for a Labour MP - they should have the opportunity to vote to actually be represented by a Labour MP rather than an independent.

The one thing that binds the 7 together is calling for a new referendum, it is the height of hypocrisy if their voters don't have the opportunity to say what type of MP they want.

In other words hounded out the the party by momentum on the orders of some one like Owen Jones.
Funny no one has picked up on Angela Smith and "Funny tinge " interview

Chuka must have been tearing his hair out ....