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UK Banking customers switch their accounts

Once the co-op gets a lot more branches then ill consider it. Most important for me is online banking and HSBC is pretty good for tnat
Agreed, on line and telephone banking are paramount for me when considering my banking preferences and Santander are good at what they do, although I do wish they'd hurry up with their dedicated Android app their developing. Also, it's free, I have no overdraft, and always stay in credit so can't warrant a switch anyway.
Once the co-op gets a lot more branches then ill consider it. Most important for me is online banking and HSBC is pretty good for tnat

I can recommend the co-op's online banking service highly.They've also got a lot more branches in your part of the world.
I was with the Co-op for years out of principle. They were OK but nothing to write home about. I'm now with Santander who are crap BUT they have by far the best interest rates. If the Co-op can match them then I might consider going back. The Co-op ISA rate is derisory. I really miss the old building societies. Started with the Leicester. Great. Fixed interests on savings (none of this bonus crap and then down to 0.1%). You really knew where you stood and the money was going to be invested properly.
I can recommend the co-op's online banking service highly.They've also got a lot more branches in your part of the world.

They haven't got one in hillsborough which is the dealbreaker. There is an HSBC, Lloyds, Barclays, Halifax and Yorkshire Bank. I think there's still a role for a local branch (weirdly) and the co-op have yet to crack it
Was with LloydsTSB for ago having opened an account with them while a student, but switched to Santander a couple of years ago when Lloyds stopped paying interest on current accounts. Got £100 for the switch too and free withdrawals in Spain (which was handy for work). Can't see myself switching in the near future.
Does anyone know what the Co-Op bank does differently to other banks so that it can ethically make money with your deposits?
My uncle told me COOP are putting brand new systems as opposed to most other banks who have dated systems with lots of things added on. Far more accurate but of little use to average punter. Error rate of 0.00000000001% as opposed to 0.000000001% only means something if you have millions ;)

I'm with Santander, crap in many ways but online is good and interest is good!