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Well done Flavs,

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Darryl's Love Child
Oct 30, 2003
Not much praise on here for Flahavon, world class saves, good in the air but very little praise on here. Those that call him "shorty" where are you? Prefer to "big up" the goalkeeping equivelant of Darren Anderton instead. One day you will realise what an asset Flavs is rather than keep putting him down. Well done Darryl!
Surely anyone can see that we have two good keepers in Flavs and Bart and to be honest I'm not bothered which one plays because I feel confident that both will do a grand job.
Exactly but to blatantly take the **** out of a blokes height especilly when he is different class in all other areas is out of order.
For the English teachers out there, especially!
There was me thinking I singled him out for praise as soon as I got back. Some people are never happy are they....
I didn't go so couldn't comment.


And you can hardly have a go at Grimienk for being injured, Darryl was out for 2 months

As Scriv says, im not too fussed who's between the sticks, but Bart just gets the vote for me. I dont bang on about it though, as otherwise MtS comes along and locks it.

right. f**k it. Two good keepers is unacceptable at this club. Transfer list both and take the first offer. Then put Alderton on the bench.
Flav is a good keeper. Its just that Bart is better. We would have gone forward more if the team had enough confidence in the man behind them. Don't fret Flav fans I am taking the proverbial. Well done to the Flav Man and as long as he and Bart create healthy competition for each other then long live their rival fans banter.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Jan. 23 2005,18:38)]Bart is the better 'keeper I think but, hey, Flavs aint too flabby himself!
Now you mention it, he was looking quite lean yesterday...

(sorry, couldn't resist. why do they let you modify quotes anyway?)
I prasied Flav in another thread, thought he was superb yesterday made some brilliant one handed saves and actually came for crosses and was commanding.

Wiggy may not like Griemink, but for me his arrival has turned Flahavan into a better keeper, as has been said, its great to have two quality keepers in the sqaud.
Although Wiggy obviously goes about it the wrong way, I do actually see a little bit of where he's coming from. Certain people are quick to moan, but not at all quick to praise when it comes to Flahavan.

I wasn't all that impressed with Bart a few months ago, but after coming back into the team after Flavs' injury, he made the spot his own by playing extremely well. Perhaps he realised the competition he had with Flahavan and it improved him, whilst it's now working the other way round with Flahavan realising that he needs to play very well now he's got his chance. It's obviously great news for us, and as Darryl said in a recent interview on Blues World, it's the first real time anyone has actually given him any kind of competition at all in the 4 and a half years he's been with us, so it can only push him and Bart on all the time.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sufcintheprem @ Jan. 23 2005,18:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Jan. 23 2005,18:38)]Bart is the better 'keeper I think but, hey, Flavs aint too flabby himself!
Now you mention it, he was looking quite lean yesterday...

(sorry, couldn't resist.  why do they let you modify quotes anyway?)
Thanks for the match report as promised
Why do we go on about this debate, as stated many times both have faults and assets, we should be over joyed we have the players to fill this position, its a shame more couldn't be said for the midfield, where we have a problem.
I think both keepers would get into most teams in this division as number 1 so thats fantastic for us, look at other teams number 2's like Rushdens Worgan or other number 1's like Bostons Abbey! He's shocking! So i'm more than happy with both and feel comfortable with both, so carry on lads both playing fantastic!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (www.Theshrimpers-online.co.uk @ Jan. 23 2005,19:30)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sufcintheprem @ Jan. 23 2005,18:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Jan. 23 2005,18:38)]Bart is the better 'keeper I think but, hey, Flavs aint too flabby himself!
Now you mention it, he was looking quite lean yesterday...

(sorry, couldn't resist. why do they let you modify quotes anyway?)
Thanks for the match report as promised
Match report promised??

The only time I seem to remember mentioning any kind of match report, I'm pretty sure I said there was a good chance of me going for a few beers Saturday night.

Sorry if I did, but I can't remember promising to do anything...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sufcintheprem @ Jan. 23 2005,19:48)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (www.Theshrimpers-online.co.uk @ Jan. 23 2005,19:30)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (sufcintheprem @ Jan. 23 2005,18:46)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (TrueBlue @ Jan. 23 2005,18:38)]Bart is the better 'keeper I think but, hey, Flavs aint too flabby himself!
Now you mention it, he was looking quite lean yesterday...

(sorry, couldn't resist.  why do they let you modify quotes anyway?)
Thanks for the match report as promised  
Match report promised??

The only time I seem to remember mentioning any kind of match report, I'm pretty sure I said there was a good chance of me going for a few beers Saturday night.

Sorry if I did, but I can't remember promising to do anything...
You did mention it by saying you lived near Mansfield and could do the report rather quick. We have managed to get one up and I wasn't going to say anything, but as it's been brought up, I have to respond.

I'd like to know who was using the address to the site though, the moderators have their own screen names on here.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (wiggy @ Jan. 23 2005,17:51)]Not much praise on here for Flahavon, world class saves, good in the air but very little praise on here. Those that call him "shorty" where are you? Prefer to "big up" the goalkeeping equivelant of Darren Anderton instead. One day you will realise what an asset Flavs is rather than keep putting him down. Well done Darryl!
Your such a Flahavan that you cant even spell his name!


Silly boy!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (wiggy @ Jan. 23 2005,17:51)]Not much praise on here for Flahavon, world class saves, good in the air but very little praise on here. Those that call him "shorty" where are you? Prefer to "big up" the goalkeeping equivelant of Darren Anderton instead. One day you will realise what an asset Flavs is rather than keep putting him down. Well done Darryl!
Well put, couldn't agree more!

Well done Darryl!

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