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What have you cut back on this season?

  • Total voters
With the reccession and job cuts still affecting the population, coupled with relegation I admit I haven't spend as much as I do at the Blues.. although I have promised myself a shirt next home game. What are you cutting back on this season to save the penny's?

Sorry, if a mod can correct my spelling and I guess another cut back might be

"Not buying a Match Day programme"
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nothing really but i think the club shop is pretty rubbish this year, the home kit and and training kits ok, but the away shirt is terrible which i would have bought normally. plus the prices are very steap as per normal, i know its nike mainly but its a lot of money to ask for.
Shirts, I normally buy my daughter one, but the fact they are charging £33 for a six year old to buy a shirt is an absolute disgrace, it's exactly the same price as an adults. And to think we won Family club of the Season a couple of years back!
Less travelling and no new shirt at all this year. Don't usually buy food or a programme anyway.
Didnt buy a shirt for the first time in many seasons. Nothing too much to do with the ressession but other reasons for me. Don't much like the home kit and the away one's a horrible colour. The, at the time feeble, excuse of the last one giving bad squad morale from last season wears even thiner when we only have 5 players from last season - it always seemed like a con to make more money. Also, it's part of a small individual protest against RM (made easier due to the reasons above)
This season has been cheaper for me as I no longer have to erect a small plexiglass screen in front of my seat for when Alan McCormack tries a shot.
I think quite a few people have decided to save on match tickets by not attending matches, partly in protest at Ron Martin and partly because they don't like the idea of playing in a ****** league full of northern monkeys!
No more, no less. Haven't bought a shirt yet, but I don't usually until November. Have my season ticket and my customary half-time round of drinks each week... Only difference is this year I don't buy a programme as they're sent to me instead, but I rarely ever bought one anyway.
Less games for me. I have to be judicious anyway as to what trips I make from the wild west, but I think I'd done 4 games by this time last season. My first one for this season is now just two days away though and I'm well looking forward to it.
I buy the programme this year as it actually looks like a football programme as oppossed to the Sotheby's auction catalogue that was last years effort. It reads pretty well too. Still going to as many games though so I guess I'm not cutting back on anything.