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Question What is making you happy today?

Season is just over the horizon now with our 1st pre-season match today - can't wait! :happy:
When HK does storms it does them in style. Had a 3 hour light show last night. If I knew how to upload video I'd do it but you'll have to make do with sideways picture image.jpg

The sky pretty much flashes every 2-3 seconds. I sat out on my balcony watching most of it. The first 2-1/2 hours were rain free.
Eldest daughter left last night to China for 2 weeks with a school group. One week in Beijing one week in Harbin, doing actual schoolwork. :smile:
Sons gone to London with his sister,no school work but lots of catching fecking pokemon and shopping and spending my money but he has completed an escapace room which is nice.
Having a meeting tomorrow which meant I had to can the second day of the world's most boring conference. :happy:
Chap at work usually brings in home-made curry for lunch.

Today, he has made enough for the whole team. Fantastic.
The Romanian guy in my office wearing his national costume which is a a belted tunic with lots of embroidery.
Getting quarterly bonus plus joining the local Lions charity.

On top of the new dog, wife's business (now with TWO staff), eldest in China, youngest doing solo singing at school, and everything else...

oh yeah,and just booked 2 weeks in Florida next October - kids were so excited.
Getting quarterly bonus plus joining the local Lions charity.

On top of the new dog, wife's business (now with TWO staff), eldest in China, youngest doing solo singing at school, and everything else...

oh yeah,and just booked 2 weeks in Florida next October - kids were so excited.

Until you tell them that its just you and the wife going.