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Breaking News WUP Court Hearing - 4th October- Case Dismissed.

So, embargo lifted??
Embargo wasnt in place just for the WUP.
Football related debts also need clearing and anything still o/s on this part may scupper the lifting of said embargo.
Sure someone said a few weeks back we still owe monies to the likes of Altrincham for Mooney.
Not sure the takeover deal would of included settlement of those football related debts at this stage…
I would bin ChatGPT- unless HMRC who brought the case are really being asked to pay some or all of the costs...unlikely
It’s possible although unlikely that HMRC will have to bear the costs.

For instance in a County Case unless Judgment is awarded then the costs aren’t payable by the defendant irrespective of the validity of the claim.
It’s possible although unlikely that HMRC will have to bear the costs.

For instance in a County Case unless Judgment is awarded then the costs aren’t payable by the defendant irrespective of the validity of the claim.
It is possible HMRC could bring a separate claim for their loss if they bear all the costs as they incurred those costs due to the defendant not adhering to the contract entered into relating to paying them. A simple breach of contract claim.

However, it is more likely the parties have a agreed a costs order and it is probably' Parties to bear their own costs and no leave to apply.'
was it said that the payment to the HMRC was the reson we was under an embargo .I also rember reading all football related monies had been settled .
Aaaaaaaand breathe shrimpers. For everyone whose mental health has taken a beating over the last, what, 5 years…? This is mega. We can finally look forward and wonder what could be.

Let us hope that that is the last time we ever have to go through this.
Let’s hope it’s the last time any club has to go through it. Major rule changes needed in football ownership. If things carry on as they are we won’t be the last. Never again should a little rat be allowed to hold all the cards and play god with over a hundred years of history in the community.
was it said that the payment to the HMRC was the reson we was under an embargo .I also rember reading all football related monies had been settled .
All football debts may have been settled (this was back in August to renew our licence IIRC) but further debts may have arisen since. Instalments on Mooney’s transfer are one example that been mentioned.
All football debts may have been settled (this was back in August to renew our licence IIRC) but further debts may have arisen since. Instalments on Mooney’s transfer are one example that been mentioned.
It would be nice to have some clarity on this, I'd hate to think we are still being made an example of
I’m sure this has been raised as a point of concern before but if part of the deal is that out of excess monies earned at FF by RM as more houses and no stadium with £20m apparently earmarked to go towards the redevelopment of Roots Hall are we all really thinking that given RM’s track record that this will all run smoothly?
I’m sure this has been raised as a point of concern before but if part of the deal is that out of excess monies earned at FF by RM as more houses and no stadium with £20m apparently earmarked to go towards the redevelopment of Roots Hall are we all really thinking that given RM’s track record that this will all run smoothly?
No way ratty slag will stick to, this he'll sell the land before anything is actually built