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What language is and is not acceptable at football, this is in the light of what the FA have said today about Tottenham and the word Yid.

Call me a fat prick but do I care? no.

Some people need to remember sticks and stones

Your views?
Trying to set hard and fast rules about offensive language is like trying to plait fog.

One person’s harmless banter is another’s hate talk.
did anyone else see the list of words that liverpool sent to its fans that they said were banned from the ground? all i thought of was that that must have been an odd meeting. 'ok, so *** is banned, but i think we can allow ******...' :dim:
I'm with true Blue. the Police / stewards must hate this - another set of rules that are almost impossible to enforce. Some office staff at the FA have too much time and ego on their hands. Funny enough Yid is an accepted term for ancient Hebrews / Jews but I think it is now one of those terms they can call themselves but others can't. I always thought the Eric Cantona episode was odd as the bloke got done for racism I think for calling Cantona a F****** French Ba****d. The only word in that sentence at the time that is true is that he is French but that's what he got done for. Who appointed the FA as judge and jury on what is to be censored in a free country that boasts free speech?
I'm with true Blue. the Police / stewards must hate this - another set of rules that are almost impossible to enforce. Some office staff at the FA have too much time and ego on their hands. Funny enough Yid is an accepted term for ancient Hebrews / Jews but I think it is now one of those terms they can call themselves but others can't. I always thought the Eric Cantona episode was odd as the bloke got done for racism I think for calling Cantona a F****** French Ba****d. The only word in that sentence at the time that is true is that he is French but that's what he got done for. Who appointed the FA as judge and jury on what is to be censored in a free country that boasts free speech?
Don' fool yourself Albert, freedom of speech and democracy ended a long time ago in our now big brother country. The powers that be and the media can't wait for the older generation who remember such things to die out so that they can indoctrinate the young people further into state control and control what they eat drink and think!
Don' fool yourself Albert, freedom of speech and democracy ended a long time ago in our now big brother country. The powers that be and the media can't wait for the older generation who remember such things to die out so that they can indoctrinate the young people further into state control and control what they eat drink and think!

Freedom of speech is often mistaken to mean freedom to say whatever you like, that has never been the case.




What language is and is not acceptable at football, this is in the light of what the FA have said today about Tottenham and the word Yid.

Call me a fat prick but do I care? no.

Some people need to remember sticks and stones

Your views?
I say what I think and I think what I say. Like you I don't really care............................... Just had the club badge tatooed on my right arm. I'm thinking of having a "Gollywog" put on the left (to remind me of my childhood of course) !!!
I've seen a car driving around with Y1D proudly displaced on its numberplate! Is that going to be banned too?
But he'd had his number plate made up so it read as Y1D, intention is clear.

Thats the problem with the word, Spurs fans use it themselves and hard to classify it as offensive whilst they do, although they will say they started using it as a defence mechanism.

Some Jewish people find it derogatory and most of the Spurs fans who use it arent even Jewish.

Other Jewish people dont seem to care about it and are more worried about the use of gas sounds and hitler chants which are certainly offensive.
Thats like when we played Spurs a few years ago I remember the police having a word with our fans for singing about Yids but it seemed to be okay when they were singing songs about us being pikeys. Both terms are hardly worthy of being arrested for and I can remember days when that was classed as banter.
Thats like when we played Spurs a few years ago I remember the police having a word with our fans for singing about Yids but it seemed to be okay when they were singing songs about us being pikeys. Both terms are hardly worthy of being arrested for and I can remember days when that was classed as banter.

I also remember derogatory chants about Freddy's family background from Spurs fans but the police weren't too interested.
I believe the initial complaint regarding tottenham fans has come from David Baddiel the comedian. I wonder if he feels the need to raise the issue of racist and offensive chanting from his beloved chelsea fans?